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Mid sixties blackface showman (1X15 cab) or blackface dual showman (2X15 cab) - sometimes TOGETHER (if DD can do it, why can't I?)

Fender G-DEC.

Fender Quad Reverb.



I believe "DUAL" was added to the blackface showman logo in 1967. I may be wrong, but I've never seen an older one that was configured that way.

I've seen '64-'67 Dual Showmans on eBay with the words "DUAL" on them. And some that don't. Razz

From Ampwares

In 64 Fender added the word "DUAL" in block letters above the script "Showman Amp" to the control panel of the Dual Showman

I remember these and if I'm not mistaken they were made to handle a 2 ohm load (4 - 15") they came with a different output transformer. (Dick Dale no blow fender amp)

I'm using a Fender Showman and a Bassman 2-12 cab

Don't believe everything you read on the internet! Very Happy

Jack Booth
(aka WoodyJ)

The Mariners (1964-68, 1996-2005)
The Hula Hounds (1996-current)
The X-Rays (1997-2004)
The Surge! (2004, 2011-2012)
Various non-surf bands that actually made money

There are a lot of people that dispute that Ampwares date of '64 on the Fender Forum. Anyway, if you watch eBay, you'll see all kinds of crazy stuff. Some of them are probably aftermarket changes too.

The black face Dual Showman heads were identical to the Showman heads except for a different output transformer and a single resistor in the circuit. I think the speaker load is 4 Ohms; 2 x 15" 8 Ohms in parallel.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Cosmetically I perfer the non-Dual face plate, I have never had personal experience between the two, sonically speaking. I am pretty sure I have seen a 65 dual though. Isn't GGJaguar on this forum? he's the guy behind the field guide... I have submitted a bunch of amps to his database, and he has always blown me away with his knowledge of these great amps.

I would venture to guess that Fender amps appear on more recordings than any other amp.


I use a silverface Princeton (with a Weber Vintage), a Cybertwin, and a 63 reissue reverb tank.

Shawn Martin

I use a 69' Twin Reverb in a crappy head cabinet. It's blackfaced and uses a whole bunch of NOS tubes. I run it through a 15" JBl and 2X12" (half of 2X15 and 4X12 cabs). Whish I had another 2X15 that I could use instead of the 4X12.
I use a reissue Fender tank, also with NOS tubes.


The Scimitars

Live I use either:

1960 Fender Vibrosonic w/oxblood grill & 15" speaker thru fender reissue reverb tank
Late 1970's Garnet Revolution 2 w/ on board reverb and 12" speaker.

plus a 1960's Kalamazoo model 2 w/ 8 " speaker & 1960's Danelectro Cadet w/ 6" speaker for recording.

Mike/ Urban Surf Kings

Canadian Surf

69 Pro Reverb
Reverend Goblin
Fender G-DEC

I've used the following in the Surfonics (in order of use)

Fender Super-Champ

Roland Bolt-60

Musicman "sixty-five" 112 (I've had two of them)

i use a fender "30". it has 2x 10" speakers. one speaker was not sooooo good so i replaced it with a 12" celestion vintage. sounds very good!


There’s my ’64 Bandmaster in the background.


The Exotic Guitar of Kahuna Kawentzmann

You can get the boy out of the Keynes era, but you can’t get the Keynes era out of the boy.

wow, KK, is that an original or RI sitar?


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

That’s a re-issue. I guess the necks of the originals work better, but other than that it’s pretty close. Probably get a custom neck done once I have the spare €.


The Exotic Guitar of Kahuna Kawentzmann

You can get the boy out of the Keynes era, but you can’t get the Keynes era out of the boy.

Fender Hot Rod Deville 4-10 stacked on an open back Carvin 2-12 cabinet. Yeah, it's way too loud for most places but our audience likes it loud. I bring my old solid state Crate GX-212 combo for backup and in case someone wants to sit in.
I have an old Gibson GA-20, and a 50-something tweed Fender Champ for recordings and jamming.
I play around with Zoom and Digitech modelers for shits and giggles but don't gig with them anymore. Too many choices of bad sounds.

Dean(aka Moondevil)

Reverend Hellhound head into a 2x12 cab loaded with Eminence M12's (will probably replace with Weber California's a local friend of mine has to sell). I use the head on the US setting with the gain at about 11:00. Sometimes I use the UK setting (gain about the same) for a more ballsy sound.

And on occasion, my re-ish Ameg Reverberocked R12R.

Both sound a-ok with the Fender tank in front.

The Disasternauts

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