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Last edited: Sep 28, 2009 16:05:50

beloved invaders Very Happy

El Papu & los Fantasticos Reverberantes

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Last edited: Sep 28, 2009 16:05:54

Yup, and it looks like the complete film!

Yeah, the good parts anyway.

Atomic Mosquitos
Bug music for bug people is here!
Killers from Space

Wow....that's some good stuff.
The first clip shows Don Wilson singing...and it proves why they were the best <u>instrumental</u> band of the era Wink

Wow....that's some good stuff.
The first clip shows Don Wilson singing...and it proves why they were the best <u>instrumental</u> band of the era Wink

LOL! I'll second that...

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Last edited: Sep 28, 2009 16:05:57

Yeah I have this on VHS,and played it last week after Bob Bogle's death.I think this is essential viewing to everyone here at the site.

Reverb, It's A Way Of Life!



Wow....that's some good stuff.
The first clip shows Don Wilson singing...and it proves why they were the best <u>instrumental</u> band of the era Wink

LOL! I'll second that...

Hey aren't you the guy that was giving BigTikiJeff shit for "not having respect" in the Bob Bogle thread, and then babbled on about everyone taking time out during their set for an entire year in Bob Bogle's memory...and THEN posted something about "I believe people should give care and attention to what they say when expressing their own opinions. Tact should be high on everyone's list"??
Damn, boy, at least Don Wilson was good at something...

OH SNAP! Laughing

Thanks for the links Zak, I've never seen these parts of the film.

Science friction burns my fingers.

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Last edited: Sep 28, 2009 16:06:01

The footage of the band walking around various parts of Japan, playing pachinko, etc. always gets skipped when I watch it, but it's definitely worth picking up for the concert footage.

That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Wow....that's some good stuff.
The first clip shows Don Wilson singing...and it proves why they were the best <u>instrumental</u> band of the era Wink


El Papu & los Fantasticos Reverberantes

The Ventures around 1965-1966 is the truly amazing in all ways!

El Twitter
El Ray
El Ray on Bandcamp
El Twang on YouTube

Yeah I have this on VHS,and played it last week after Bob Bogle's death.I think this is essential viewing to everyone here at the site.

I too played it in memory of B.Bogle. You should buy it in DVD format. That's the same dude I got my copy from. Real good shit. My favorite parts are when you see all the young Eliki bands and for some reason when they're pressing the LP's. Also it shouldn't give you any problems. It plays on my DVD player just fine. The only thing is that it's all 1 Chapter.

The Deadbeats



Wow....that's some good stuff.
The first clip shows Don Wilson singing...and it proves why they were the best <u>instrumental</u> band of the era Wink

LOL! I'll second that...

Hey aren't you the guy that was giving BigTikiJeff shit for "not having respect" in the Bob Bogle thread, and then babbled on about everyone taking time out during their set for an entire year in Bob Bogle's memory...and THEN posted something about "I believe people should give care and attention to what they say when expressing their own opinions. Tact should be high on everyone's list"??
Damn, boy, at least Don Wilson was good at something...

Thank you very Much Zak.
appreciate somebody getting my back on that.
This guy has PMed me a few times also about keeping my mouth shut.
how is that for nice?


Hey, just for the record...I have never seen the Ventures singing and I was only kidding (sort of) about it. I love the Ventures (Bob Bogle r.i.p) and I appreciate Zak's original post. I still haven't had a chance to watch the whole thing.

I didn't mean to get anybody started.
Hopefully, me and my comments are just in the crossfire here?
If so....carry on!

This post has been removed by the author.

Last edited: Sep 28, 2009 16:04:51

Whoa...guys! Bob Bogle had just died and I felt Jeff was cutting them down last week. The Ventures are one of my favorite bands and I felt that everytime something was mentioned by anyone Jeff had to put in his two cents about something negative regarding his viewpoint of the band.
A joke had been made about Don's singing and I was laughing along with it. Even Don Wilson has, at some shows, introduced the vocal songs as "and here's the reason we don't sing" or something to that effect.
Again, it just seems that Jeff has a problem with the V's. That is absolutely fine, he's a person with feelings. But tact has a lot to do with timing and setting...and I felt that cutting the V's down just after Bogle died on a forum where people were paying their last respects was a little too much. Hey! I'm not a big fan of some famous surf guitarists that Jeff and others probably feel are icons...but you don't hear me tearing into them every chance I get. We all need to be careful not to offend each other, thats all. At least we all appreciate good guitar music over half the crap thats out there in the mainstream channels these days. Chill out guys...



Wow....that's some good stuff.
The first clip shows Don Wilson singing...and it proves why they were the best <u>instrumental</u> band of the era Wink

LOL! I'll second that...

Hey aren't you the guy that was giving BigTikiJeff shit for "not having respect" in the Bob Bogle thread, and then babbled on about everyone taking time out during their set for an entire year in Bob Bogle's memory...and THEN posted something about "I believe people should give care and attention to what they say when expressing their own opinions. Tact should be high on everyone's list"??
Damn, boy, at least Don Wilson was good at something...

Oh, and I have sent ONE private message to Jeff and all it said was:
"Better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."
And it was in response to one of those public remarks about the Ventures. At least I had the curteousy to keep it private. When Jeff posted that remark about Bob Bogle and The Ventures last week (the one that ticked me off) he sent me a private message offering to delete his foot-in-the-mouth post if I deleted my post slamming for what I believed to be a "classless comment." Which I did. I thought everything was cool, but I find his remarks about The Ventures rather hateful and he can't seem to keep silent. C'mon Jeff. We can be friends and get along and have differences of opinion...but if you don't have anything nice to say then why even say it?
Whatever, I'm signing off. This conversation will go nowhere. I apologize for any mistakes on my part, however percieved or otherwise.

Maybe you should chill out and mind your own business.
are you a moderator here?
if not. then stop policing people.

you know what I get tired of.
new people coming to SG101 all the time, and saying.
I'm new here, Im a big fan of Surf, and have always loved the Ventures.

Hello the Ventures are not a surf band.
that's (another) thing they always say.
I'm tired of tippy toing around this stuff.
I saw them in 98 and 99,
and in 99 I literally fell asleep at a show.

were they very instrumental in the inspiration of alot of surf bands in the
60's most definitely, were they the best band ever. NO.

get over it man,
move on.
if you don't like my views.
don't look at my posts.


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