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Last edited: Sep 28, 2009 16:08:53

Desire to buy Mosrite....growing, growing.

I don,t like this bored style...disagree with Mosrite .too much standard for me!

Skateboarding - "Gnarly Surf"

Nice beginning with the first song, but then I stopped watching...
What a huge stage! Much space for jumping and running around but they all stand bored on just one position on the stage.
I like the Kayama Yuzo sound but i wish he had a bit bigger balls and more punkrock in his veins! Smile

Anyway, nice document!


Twang cheers!

Ralf Kilauea

This why I'm glad USA didn't successfully destroy Japan in WWW II.For all those who don't know,this is surf instro music,and you can't always jump around like some punk rocker who thinks he's playing the right chords. You have to be precise,and accurately hit the notes.
Though Yuzo does mess up quit a few times in this performance,I'm still impressed all the same.Damn "Rap City" is a hard song to play.

Reverb, It's A Way Of Life!

I don,t like this bored style...disagree with Mosrite .too much standard for me!

Don't worry, you youngsters will eventually learn to appreciate class and style. That includes you Ralf! Who wants to see a middle age guy acting like a punk rocker anyway? He would have dishonored his family by doing so.

I don,t like this bored style...disagree with Mosrite .too much standard for me!

Agreed, it's family entertainment music for people who don't normally listen to music isn't it. Yuzo can do better.

Wow, that was fantastic, Zac......what a beautiful shade of blue his guitar is, reminds me of Fender Sonic Blue, one of my favourites.
Notice in the close-ups of his scratch plate that his name is written, 'Yuzo Kayama'
My son, who is a fan of Japanese Pop and Sushi, tells me they write the names last name first and so, opposite to us.

Thanks for the link, Fantastic!!!!

Interesting to hear these two masters--while it is supposedly the same type of instro-rock, they sound so different-not just tonally, but their whole approach. Good to see a loosely structured song like this allow these two to stretch a bit.
As for the blue Mosrite--what does the third knob do?

Check out this instead. I've never seen the black and white Launchers footage before.

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S


I don,t like this bored style...disagree with Mosrite .too much standard for me!

Agreed, it's family entertainment music for people who don't normally listen to music isn't it. Yuzo can do better.

Are you guys kidding or what. Pretty demanding of you. You must not have been to very many contemporary surf shows. Yuzo here looks highly animated compared to a lot of the guitarists I've seen and his tone is a lot better than most.

This post has been removed by the author.

Last edited: Sep 28, 2009 16:08:48

I don,t like this bored style...disagree with Mosrite .too much standard for me!

Listen to how tight they are. How many bands sound that tight? Definitely no surf bands I can think of. While I would agree it was a number lacking in the "punk rock" energy. Not every song can do that, nor should it.

Hard to beat Yuzo back in the day:

Here's a 2008 clip with some sparkle. Apparently Yuzo lost his Mosrites...doesn't sound as good. I really don't think he has slowed down at all. He sure looks good for his age, imagine Elvis in 2008 if he'd made it that far.

Check out this instead. I've never seen the black and white Launchers footage before.

Shocked Holy Fudge, thanks for the video. I love it when they do their Glissandos. All fancy with the finger work(hehe). Judging by the several clips this video has I bet there's tons of footage of Yuzo Kayama "Live" back in the day.

Are those white guitars Teiscos? Nice lookin' things.

The Deadbeats

Yuso is the best!
maybe in those days he had
a little more energy onstage but in this late 80´s footage
you can see a good shaped middleage man who is enjoying
the show despite the notes he might be missing...
For a japanese guy(for whom is undign to show emotions)
he is strangely ligth full
i´d say he is happy....
i like a lot more the 60´s stuff but this video shows
a good aging of Kayama, i had seen much worse cases.....
Star of the night sky is on my top ten.

Hard to beat Yuzo back in the day:

hey..this clips are great..I agree here with Yuzo..
I don,t need punk rock energy in Yuzo.. only John Bair know!!

I need feel the Mosrite more this clips..

Skateboarding - "Gnarly Surf"

Apparently Yuzo lost his Mosrites...doesn't sound as good.

He used his original pearl white Mosrite (which was given to him by the Ventures in 1965) up into the 90's when he got the blue new one. Here's an 80's clip of the former where it sounds like shit although not as bad as his disco backing band:


Check out this instead. I've never seen the black and white Launchers footage before.

Judging by the several clips this video has I bet there's tons of footage of Yuzo Kayama "Live" back in the day.

Actually, beside the short glimpses of b&w Launchers footage I mentioned above, everything in the first minute is from the Eleki No Wakadaisho movie.

Are those white guitars Teiscos?

Yep, those are Teisco guitars.

And for anyone interested in more Yuzo Kayama 60's clips, check out this thread for some great stuff:

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Nice guitar and haircut Smile

i can,t understund..
the,s not Mosrite it,s Teisco??

the amps sure but the guitar sound so great like a Mosrite...

Skateboarding - "Gnarly Surf"

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