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Permalink First Gig on the 23rd!!!

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How did it go?

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

How did it go?

I'm wondering the same thing, did it go? We're waiting for your report.

Sorry it's taken so long to get back but I am active duty Navy and sometimes duty calls... Cool

Simply put, it was AWESOME!!!

Anyway, where to begin.

The pub is my local. We wanted to just play a few numbers for friends - no stress, not big deal. It became a big deal. The capacity is 80 persons, and we filled it, primarily via word of mouth.

Load-in and sound check at 5pm and show time was for 9pm. The landlord provided sandwiches and by 6pm I was back home...pacing! Met up with the band a 8pm. Discussed a few issues and got to the pub at 8:30pm. I had given the landlord a CD with approx 1 hour of "era specific songs - mix of late 50's early 60's stuff. Instructed him to play the first half at exactly 8:30 as I wanted to "look profesional and start exactly at 9pm.

<u>Set list</u>

In the week prior after hearing that our small jam was going to be bigger, we prepared 15 songs to play. I decided to play 7...take a short break and then 7 + 1 encore.

We were in place and started at 9:05pm. I gave a brief intro to "What is/isn't surf it's an amalgmation of a variety of different sounds and cultures..."

We went with:

Walk Don't Run
Green Onions
Jack The Ripper

Took about a 15 min break and started the second 'mini' set with:

Diamond Head
Surfers Stomp (astro version)
Endless Summer (w/melodica!)
Mr. Moto


My biggest concern was whether the audience would like the music, not necessarily my or the band's playing. After all, we can only get better, but if they hated the music, or were even luke-warm, then what I worked tirelessly to assemble would crash and burn! So yeah, I felt the overall pressure!

However, fear not, as the response was universally positive! We looked good, the instruments sparkled, and people REALLY liked the music. It was the first gig Mike (R-guitar) and I had ever played, and it kinda showed in the first 2-3 songs...we were kinda stiff and the concentration showed on our face. After the butterflies flew away, we relaxed and by the second set we were all grinning like mad men! Comments ranged from - "I was worried when I saw all the guitars that it was gonna be loud - it was so melodic and I recognized more song than I thought;" "You guys were really...I mean really good...better than I expected - I loved the music...can't believe nobody else is playing this..."

We invited two girls - actually women, who we had met at another gig and kinda invited them to dance for us in the future. We invited them down to get an idea of what we play. Well, they showed-up and danced the whole night. There both excited to dance for us at future gigs and join us as our "Surf Betty's" Very Happy

The pub landlord was so keen that he wants to book us for a return engagement during the end of August Bank holiday weekend. We gave him a price of 250 GBP for two full sets - 30 total songs.

The lead guitarist's girlfriend is a professional session singer and wants to sing a song with us - we choose "Be My Baby" by the Ronnettes. Bonus is that of the two "Surf Betty's," one played bass and r-guitar in a band and sang back-up, and the other was a singer...we'll hear what they got this Friday. We're also working on "King of the Surf Guitar" but I need to change the SoCal locations to UK ones!

A couple in the pub has a sporting goods store and has a large section devoted to skate/surf boards and they offered to let us borrow surfboards, post fliers, and play in their store in the next month.

Contacted the local cinema and we're planning to play in the lobby when "Telstar - the Movie" opens in the next two weeks! Of note, I'd advise anyone who play's the song to try and piggy-back on the movie, ya never know what might come from it/!

Guys, I truly had a blast!!! Only negative is that the video is dark and the sound isn't the best. Additionally, although I made arrangements for someone to take copious amounts of photo's, he didn't show!!! Mad
So very few photo's were taken - those that were I'm still trying to track down. Crying That was my fault, but I had so much goin on as the bandleader.

<u>Lessons learned</u>

So what have I learned? that there appears to be a market for a Surf/instro band in Cambridgeshire, UK. The audience ranged in age from early-20's to late-50's. Regardless of age, everyone enjoyed the music, the vibe and wnat's more. I've had people come up to me who weren't there saying how they heard we were great and that people are talking. Village gossip cut's both way's, and for us it's all positive.

So, we just got Dario's g-spring and plan to test fire it tonight. We rehearse and record some songs for our overdue demo in the local 11th Century church friday night as well as check-out our dancing girls! The accoustics are amazing and I look forward to hearing the G-spring in that ancient church!

So, The Surfrider's are now prepared to add our two bits toward ushering in the "Rebirth of Surf!"

Sorry about the length of this "after action" report...but it's all good! That Saturday night I finally took my first drink of "Surf Aid" and I'm thirsty for more...count me a firm convert. Thanks for passing the cup, it sure tastes sweet!



Heartwarming. Thanks for sharing may your successes continue. Thumbs Up

Awesome story, thanks so much for sharing. Here's to more surf shows in the UK Cheers

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Good report. Any photos of the gig?

Surf on!

(defunct) Thee Jaguar Sharks

Plus! Other stuff not surf:
Enjoy every minute

Glad to hear it Tom! Congrats!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Thanks for the detailed report, and the totally positive outcome. There'll be no stopping you now. The ball is rolling, and it sounds like you are already making bigger and better plans.

Now that the first one is out of the way, the nerves should fade away and you'll be raring to go for the next one.


sounds like you guys had a real hoot of a time.
congrats and here is to many more.


That's very inspiring, congrats on your success there! I think if the surf gods ever hooked me up with a rhythm section and a place to practice, I might actually make another go of it just for funzies. (I used to perform occasionally while in high school.) Living way out in the boonies though (Saxapahaw, NC; population: 1,418), I think I'm destined to jam alone. Smile


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