Joined: Jul 04, 2008
Posts: 65
Loudoun County, VA

Posted on May 22 2009 07:40 AM
Hey Guys,
Well, the day is finally here. Tomorrow, my band The Surfriders, make our debut down at our local pub. What was intended to be a low-key event - playing about 10 songs to intoduce friends and family to surf music, has now gone nuclear! Appears the pub - max capacity of 80, is gonna be packed. The landlord has advertised and is encouraging everyone to wear hawaiian shirts; passing out lei's; etc....suffice to say this is turning into a major village event.
To think that a 48yr old Naval Officer, raised in suburban NJ - presently living in a small English village, with no previous band experience could manage to entice 4 other musicians - two of whom are professional, to play American Surf music...what are the odds? Yeah, some of it's down to my organizational skills, but it's the music that really won them over!
However, there is no way I could have gotten to this stage without all the support, assistance, counsel and encouragement I've received from the folks on SG101. I've learned so much since I first joined last July. I'm not going to single out anyone in particular - you know who you are, I just want to simply say "thank you very much!"
So, wish us luck tomorrow. I'll post an "after action" report in a few days.
Joined: Feb 25, 2006
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Des Moines, Iowa, USA

Posted on May 22 2009 08:11 AM
Great news! Good luck and have fun!!!
— Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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Joined: May 08, 2008
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Motor City Surfer

Posted on May 22 2009 08:19 AM
That's awesome Cat. Good luck to you and your guys... and tear it up!
— Fin Doctors

Joined: Mar 14, 2006
Posts: 2778
Atlanta, GA

Posted on May 22 2009 10:18 AM
Get 'em Sir!...................May the reverb be with you guys!
— Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?
Joined: Dec 23, 2008
Posts: 3324
Pittsboro, NC

Posted on May 22 2009 10:23 AM
Good luck man, I look forward to hearing the surf report.
— Mike
Joined: Mar 02, 2006
Posts: 11062
Berkeley, CA

Posted on May 22 2009 10:43 AM
Go get'em Jersey boy! BTW: Where abouts in Jersey? I'm from Lawrenceville.
— Danny Snyder
"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo
Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta
Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party
Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF
Joined: Jan 04, 2008
Posts: 1277
San Pedro, CA

Posted on May 22 2009 10:59 AM
Congratulations and good luck! Any chance for some video?
— Bill S._______
Joined: Aug 27, 2008
Posts: 1570
New York

Posted on May 22 2009 11:14 AM
As a born and raised New Yorker - New Jersey stinks. But, good luck to you regardless sir.
Joined: Apr 27, 2006
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Auburn, CA

Posted on May 22 2009 11:17 AM
Joined: Mar 02, 2006
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Berkeley, CA

Posted on May 22 2009 11:36 AM
As a born and raised New Yorker - New Jersey stinks. But, good luck to you regardless sir.
As a transplanted Californian for 25 years I agree, though NY isn't much better 
— Danny Snyder
"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo
Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta
Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party
Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF
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Posts: 1570
New York

Posted on May 22 2009 11:53 AM
Joined: Sep 29, 2007
Posts: 500
Sacto, CA

Posted on May 22 2009 12:19 PM
Hey TR Cat...I love stories like this!
Congratulations on finding guys who were accepting of surf music and wanting to play it. Even here in America, that can be a rare find. I'm continually shocked at how many of the uninformed masses tend to say that "all surf music sounds the same". (Poor souls)
It is especially heartwarming that this will be your first band. I formed my first band at the the age of 60, (it's never too late) and we are in our second year. The other guitarist and I got together in March of 08, and HE had never played or even considered anything to do with surf music. Now he loves it!
Surf has been my first love since it was in it's "hey days" during the mid 60's and it took me all this time to find someone who wanted to play it.
We had very small goals, few expectations, and now a year later, we are at the point of having to turn down occasional gigs due to the lack of time. We still have a long ways to go and don't consider ourselves to be all that good, but our audiences seem to love what they hear as much as we love playing it.
It's kind of one of those "be careful what you wish just might get it" sort of things. We're still trying to figure out how it all happened.
Best of luck on your debut performance. I remember ours, and how scared we were, but it was a good kind of scared, and now we can't wait to get out there! You guys will "kill em"! Looking forward to hearing how it went and how much fun you had.
There'll be no stopping you now!
The Retronauts
Joined: Mar 12, 2009
Posts: 13
West Sacramento, CA

Posted on May 22 2009 01:03 PM
Hey SurfHeads-
Good luck on your first gig- I am sure it will be great !
I've been playing in a classic rock band for 5 years now....I am a closet Surf Guitarest because the rest of the band is really not interested in it...So I play in my garage "studio" - Someday my wave will come...
Playing in any band is so rewarding. Give it all you got and play like there are 5000 fans out there.
Keep it Real...
The Freeze
— There's Always Room For MELLOW-
2000 Fender MiM Stratocaster w/ Texas Specials
Fender Hot Rod Deluxe
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Posts: 671
Winnipeg, Canada

Posted on May 22 2009 03:55 PM
As a new player at age 46, I really enjoy stories like this (yours too Rob J...awesome!). For all of us here that are just starting out, it gives us something to shoot for.
I hope one day I'll be able to post a similar thread. But until then I look forward to hearing all about your gig.
You should DEFINITELY have someone there with a camera (still, video, or BOTH!) to record the moment. It would be nice to see those pics posted here as well.
Best of luck!
Joined: Jul 04, 2008
Posts: 65
Loudoun County, VA

Posted on May 22 2009 06:00 PM
Hey Guys,
Thanks for the really kind and encouraging words! Yeah man, I'm psyched! In my early Navy Career I was an Aviator, and I have the same feeling I had when I was prepping for my first night carrier hop....a bit nervous, scared to mess-up, but so damn excited! It's 2335 here in the UK and I'm "ditty-bopping" on the inside like I was back in the day!
To get to some questions.
Danny, I was born in Brooklyn, NY, but once "Da Bums' left for LA dad said goodbye to that tree and moved to leafy West Orange and then to South Orange, NJ.
SurferMatt, Yanks or Mets? If the former, have you made it to the new Stadium yet?
Rob_J, you sir rock! Instead of a "mid-life" crisis, I refer to this as my "dream on layaway!" It was a long time coming. Would I have wanted to accomplish this earlier in life, you bet! However, the wait has added a certain "specialness," kinda like the appreciation one get's from a fine bottle of wine, a well aged steak, and a Cuban Cigar! Note: You can buy them in the UK, but not on base! lol! Good luck with your band too!
Philly Freeze, Indeed, one day your wave will come. Unitl then, good luck with your current project!
Pappa, yeah, we'll have at least to video camera's going and a host of people taking 'Happy Snaps!" I will def post one or the other, or both.
It's midnight, later fellas!
Joined: Mar 04, 2006
Posts: 215
West Hartford, CT

Posted on May 22 2009 10:31 PM
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Posts: 25649

Posted on May 23 2009 12:25 AM
Congrats and break a leg.
er have a good gig.
— Jeff(bigtikidude)
Joined: Nov 05, 2008
Posts: 745
Colorado, home of The Astronauts

Posted on May 23 2009 11:26 PM
Joined: Dec 13, 2008
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Trinidad, Humboldt Nation

Posted on May 24 2009 12:21 AM
Hey TR Cat...I love stories like this!
Congratulations on finding guys who were accepting of surf music and wanting to play it. Even here in America, that can be a rare find. I'm continually shocked at how many of the uninformed masses tend to say that "all surf music sounds the same". (Poor souls)
Found a guy with two fender reverb tanks and considerable guitar skills close by. He has never played surf, doesnt know the rep. I told him I was volenteering to play drumset in his surf band! I called a coulpe times to rally him but he doesnt respond. Thats ok, I believe only those that truely love surf music should play it. The music is the reward. Love your story Rob_J and wishing you more of the rush of performance TR Cat. Your wave IS coming Philly
— John Bishop
Joined: Apr 12, 2007
Posts: 428
South Florida

Posted on May 27 2009 08:48 AM
Cat, I'm most in awe of your carrier exploits, I'm sure your gig will go great, no worries compared to a carrier landing. We formed our band when I was about your age, still play out with the same guys several years later, friends forever...its all about having fun!