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Permalink What are you guys getting for "paying gigs"???

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I know maybe it's not polite to ask, but I'm asking anyway. I did try searching first though and didn't find this discussed in the last year or so. For those of you regularly playing and gettin' paid. What do you usually get?
For us at a usually seems to be around $150-250 (but a lot of times we split that with another band). Private parties around $400 (unless it's a friend or relative)...corporate gigs usually around $600-1000. Of course, we eat and drink as much as we can get away with too!

People always ask "how much do you guys charge for a gig"? I usually have kind of a sliding scale depending on what kind of shoes they're wearing ;-). Of course, we do occasional charities, fundraisers, etc, for free, but I don't mind taking people's money either.

I'm definitely not in this for the money...I'm just curious what seems to be the "industry standard" for paying gigs. Anyway, do any of you feel like sharing this info? Thanks

Last edited: May 19, 2009 19:59:55

Shocked People get paid to play music? Shocked

Hmm.... well around here no asks "how much do you charge for a gig?" unless you're a cover band playing weddings and corporate gigs.

Though, I did know of a rockabilly band around here getting about $500 for corporate gig events.

(defunct) Thee Jaguar Sharks

Plus! Other stuff not surf:
Enjoy every minute

Last edited: May 19, 2009 18:41:31

We whore out for $500. That is, we will play somebody's party or event for $500. Club gigs we normally get $150 from the bar/door. Not great, but we do sell Merch to get around $250 for the gig. Most we've made is $1200 for a club gig, we made $1100($600 of merch!) another time, and the least we've is $25 for a club gigs. We've played for free when we were starting off, but I don't think we'd play for free again.

I know maybe it's not polite to ask but I'm asking anyway.

How about a poll, then?


Shocked People get paid to play music? Shocked

That was my first response!...

We're a three-piece...and for our little gigs, we've been earning $500-$700...
(remember to split that 3-ways!)...sometimes we get free food! Wink

Some of the cool corporate-type gigs can pay $1000-$1200 for a picnic or dinner/dance or grand opening...of course, those are typically 3-6 hour "gigs"...

"People get paid to play music"?

What I like to say is that we play for free, we just charge to haul the gear and set it up!

Thanks for the input guys.

Meshugga charges $500/set , most we ever got was $2500 for a bar mitzvah which included travel costs. We'll play for less if we thing the exposure will pay off with future paying gigs. The rare club gigs we just take what we can get.

The TomorrowMen are lucky to get drink tickets and $50 (total). That's because we try to play clubs around town and it's all about supply and demand.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

I've never made more than $100 individually for a surf gig. I've made as little as $12 on surf gigs (surf ain't so popular here in NYC). That's compared to the $200 - 300 I get to play with the Skynyrd Tribute.
The surf stuff is more fun, though. Well, maybe not MORE fun, but a different kind of fun. New fun (for me, at least). I get giddy at the prospect of playing Slaughter On 10th Avenue for the first time, as opposed to Free Bird which I've played thousands of times.


I think the least we were ever paid (other than a free gig) was $6 bucks each. That's almost more embarrassing than getting nothing.

And, this was at a place where our friends paid $8 bucks each to get in...

The Aquasonics get paid $400 pretty regularly. We play a lot of shows for slightly less, some for slightly more, some for almost free if it's something really really good.

We got about $375 a night in Las Vegas recently at the Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly weekender.

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

Damn dudes you make some cash! Actually both the X-Rays and the Surge! have lucked out on occasion and made a few bucks. Several years back the Surge! made a grand plus a room for two nights and gas money to drive to Orlando from Atlanta. That was an awesome gig. We got about $600 plus expenses to drive to Va Beach for the shows we played at the East Coast Surfing Championships and the opening Slot for the Beach Boys at the Ntelos Pavillion. We did sell $850 worth of X-Rays CD's at that Beach Boys show.

Mostly we play for the love of it. Free beer at the Brewery and sometimes $50 or $100 each if we are REAL lucky.

I'm with you Ben. We did a lot of shows at The Star Bar and other local places where the band's cut was about $20. Let's just cut the crap and play for beer.


Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

Racer guy,

Years back we (Choice) were playing in the Pump House in Underground Atlanta. While this grubby bunch of rednecks was playing around the corner at the Front Page....................Lynyrd Skynyrd.

Spring 1972!


Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

I'd rather listen to you play Free Bird than anybody else!!!

You mean "Free Turd".................I've got your "free" bird right here............

Just yuckin' ya. These last twelve years playing surf and instrumental rock and enabled me to say without a doubt.........I haven't played one Skynyrd, Doobie Bros, Rolling get the picture.

Oh, and no damn Margaritaville crap either!

ed Laughing

Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

What? no Mustang Sally?

I don't blame you...I'm not the least bit interested in playing classic rock.

Not surf, but the last regular band I worked for was getting ~500-600 a night for gigs lasting Fri. and Sat. nights.

But that was circa 1985. And playing popular stuff.

Back then, I thought my cut of $40 a night was great.

I think the least we were ever paid (other than a free gig) was $6 bucks each. That's almost more embarrassing than getting nothing.

And, this was at a place where our friends paid $8 bucks each to get in...

Ben, wasn't that the Metaphor gig? I think the Metaphor is a metaphor for scum and villany. Oh well, live and learn? The one bright spot about that night is that we got to play with Duff on drums and I got to meet Patrick from The Madeira for the first time, so it definitely was worth it Wink

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

Yep...that was the gig. It was still a blast playing with Secret Samurai and Jason Lee regrets at all. Now, it just makes for a good story.

Getting to meeting Duff and Patrick made it a memorable night. I forget what I spent the $6 on....

probably a beer,
or did the band get drink tickets?
Rolling Eyes


Hey SurfHeads-

I currently play in a Classic Rock/Original band - we are on what I call the "Bowling Alley Circuit" since that where we mostly play. We work for beer and that's good for right now. We have done private parties and pulled in $60.00 to $100.00.

Oldies and Surf are making a come back- Its music that is fun, uplifting, and good for a general audience. People are also finally discovering how "Totally Awsome"- tunes... well soaked reverb sound.

The Freeze

There's Always Room For MELLOW-

2000 Fender MiM Stratocaster w/ Texas Specials
Fender Hot Rod Deluxe

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