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Permalink Blue Stingrays tabs anyone?

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Does anybody know a source for Blue Stingrays tabs? (yes, I know they are the Heartbreakers Wink shhhh.....don't tell anybody)


Ain't nothin' don't taste better fried, and ain't nothin don't sound better with tremolo

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Sleeping


Blue Stingrays RULE! Still one of my favorite cds ever...

It looks like you might find some Blue Stingrays tab here:

and maybe some Blue Hawaiians tab here:

Thanks, but both came up empty on that site. I do dig the Blue Hawaiians, too. And the Eliminators, for that matter.
Sorry they put bigtikidude to sleep... Rolling Eyes

Ain't nothin' don't taste better fried, and ain't nothin don't sound better with tremolo

I too found the Blue Stingrays disc to be a huge letdown.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

probably don't like the Aqua Velvets either, huh? Laughing

If I want more raucous, I go for Tremolo Beergut. Rock

Ain't nothin' don't taste better fried, and ain't nothin don't sound better with tremolo

This post has been removed by the author.

Last edited: Sep 23, 2009 22:52:12

I really like the songs of the Aqua Velvets.
but not a huge fan of the production, and drum machine sound.



probably don't like the Aqua Velvets either, huh? Laughing

Aren't they actually a ProTools plug-in? Laughing

Nice one. Laughing

Ain't nothin' don't taste better fried, and ain't nothin don't sound better with tremolo

I really like the songs of the Aqua Velvets.
but not a huge fan of the production, and drum machine sound.

I agree. They go for the Muzak production, but I really like their tunes. I like to rough them up a bit in the rhythm section, but I like the smooth guitar sound, which is what I like about the Blue Stingrays, although they are way too stingy with the reverb.

Ain't nothin' don't taste better fried, and ain't nothin don't sound better with tremolo

well, it takes all kinds ...

sorry that those links were lame, i guess there's a dearth of tabs for those folks out on the www...

We occasionally cover Echo Park by the Blue Stingrays. It's a cool laid back vibe but I think I'm the only one in the band that likes it.

Our joke is.....that tune clears a crowded room faster than the Fire Marshall.

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