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can we still vote for Unicorns and Strawberry Shortcake and Happy Rainbows?

Here are just a few more color combos that are possible...

Blue and Blue on Blue
Ocean on Black
Ocean on White
St Patrick's Day
4th of July
4th of July
Christmas (t-shirts make great gifts!)
SG101 colors

Many other color combos are possible...

  • Surfbeatnik

oh hell yeah,
I dig the blue on blue.


oh hell yeah,
I dig the blue on blue.

me too. i think the blue would look good on a black shirt also.

I like the ocean on white.


"You're done, once you're a surfer you're done. You're in. It's like the mob or something. You're not getting out." - Kelly Slater

The Luau Cinders

Yes... blue on blue on blue!!! Or the first teal colored option. Liking that a lot.

The only thing better than blue is blue and blue on blue. Tough decision indeed... but I know ultimately everyone will want to look like a reverb tank... Laughing


Tanks everyone! Smile

  • Surfbeatnik

Here's mine from last year:

Whichever design is used, it should probably include the entire ""

I vote for this one. I'd really like a t-shirt with this on it.

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

I like the original teal design

"We're lousy, we can't play. If you wait until you can play, you'll be too old to get up there. We stink, really. But it's great," Johnny Ramone .

I'm with Ivan, that "rising sun" design is boss!

I'd be stoked and proud to wear it.

The summer up here is pretty short and then it's back to long underwear and touques so let's get on with the voting and ordering already!!/rich.derksen.7

I like the sunrise design as well. I would buy one of each!

I like Stormtiger's original design best although most of the designs posted appeal to me. I would only suggest that some dark colors be put in the mix and I also really like the long sleeve shirt I bought from the last run.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

I like the Stormtiger one the best too - I'd like to see what it'd look like on a colored shirt, maybe a brown (dark and/or light). I don't like white or black shirts that much (just personal preference though). That guitar does seem frickin' huge though!

Double Crown Records

Surf CD's / Vinyl / Fanzines / DVD's
Aloha Screwdriver - Lunar Wobble CD
The Nebulas - Euphorion LP / CD
Supertubos - The Fourth Drive CD
Continental Magazine - Issue #38 w/17 Song CD

Agreed on the black and white shirts - don't really care for them. Also, the design is great but the guitar does look like it is impaling that dude on the beach. Smile

Thanks everyone for the comments. I am amused at those about the large guitar. The guy is holding a surfboard size guitar as if it were a surfboard. Yes, the guitar is large, it is surrealism. I've seen lots of silhouettes of surfers carrying their boards like this, none ever looked like it was impaling the guy to me. No one has yet mentioned that the guy looks like Jack Johnson. I was wrong about the design only working on a white shirts, it will work on any color except black or orange although I think it looks best against white, much bolder and graphic.

The size makes sense - I think most of us understood the symbolism of a guitar proportionally in place of the surfboard. It is a great design, you have some skills Stormtiger!

when the time comes and we have a design i will probably do a one time pick your color shirt like ferenc did for the pollo del mar shirts. after that it will probably be one color of shirt only, maybe two. it just gets too complicated trying to please everyone.

the big guitar sun ray shirt would look good on yellow.


I vote for the tank or the faceplate designs...I'd buy either!

I vote for Baby Blue with the sun rays in a burnt orange color. m/

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