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Permalink The beauty of mistakes in live performances

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What did they use before there was tapes and PA's.
Probably performed music on instruments not sensitive to the conditions ?

And what instruments would these be? The last time I checked physics takes its toll on everything made of matter. My guess is that many live performances out in the elements are simply out of tune.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

Sorry to change the subject but I just read the article. Concert prices do nothing but go up, so what are we paying more for? Less performance? Every time I screw up on stage (which is often) I try to make the most of it. Who says the live version has to sound just like the recorded version which leads me to wonder what exactly I am purchasing when I buy a live album? Is it a live recording of a canned recording? Things that make you go Hummmmm.

Last edited: Apr 13, 2009 15:14:43

Sorry to change the subject but I just read the article. Concert prices do nothing but go up, so what are we paying more for? Less performance? Every time I screw up on stage (which is often) I try to make the most of it. Who says the live version has to sound just like the recorded version which leads me to wonder what exactly I am purchasing when I buy I live album? Is it a live recording of a canned recording? Things that make you go Hummmmm.

I remember hearing Pablo Cruise, The Steve MIller Band and the Eagles at a stadium in Minneapolis for all of $10. Pablo Cruise was good but they definitely were not up to their studio sound. Steve Miller was better, probably 90% of the way there but then the Eagles came on. They were exactly like their recordings but the band was notorious for being very disciplined when it came to preparing for live shows.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

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