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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Surf Musician »

Permalink Los Straitjackets - Pacifica

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Hey Woodsurfer...

Nice job on the tab! "Pacifica" is a great tune. I used your tab and learned the song -presto! I think I've got it memorized now as well.

Hey Woodsurfer...

Nice job on the tab! "Pacifica" is a great tune. I used your tab and learned the song -presto! I think I've got it memorized now as well.

It isn't his tab.

I'll add a nice job woodsurfer too!
But it is not exactly the way it is played by Los Straitjackets on this
utube vid...--->

Joelman --

I did notice one discrepancy. I had this part of the melody beginning at the 9th bar as:


. . . where the video has:


. . . the difference being that in the video, the 12th bar starts with a C (string 2, fret 1) and I have it as a D (string 2, fret 3). If you listen to the version on "Damas Y Caballeros!", they are playing D there, so I guess it could go either way.

Can you tell me of any other differences?

-- Woody

It takes a lot of mussel memory to avoid clams.

I am sensing some irritation on Jake's behalf.

I sense this too and have contacted him privately. Awaiting response.

-- Woody

It takes a lot of mussel memory to avoid clams.

ah,,,, Jake's alright.
He'a a pretty tough guy.

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