...at Guitar Center of all places. I went with a few friends the other day, and after browsing around the guitar section for awhile, I was ready to leave. (I'm not that big on most of the gear they have there.) My friend had wanted to go to buy something for his computer (he does electronic/industrial music) and the two of them were looking at that stuff, so we had split up. They came over to where I was after a few minutes and asked if I was ready to go. I said that I was, that they had had a few nice Fender amps (some vintage Bassmans), but nothing I really wanted or could afford. Then one of my friends said, "Hey isn't that a Fender amp over there?" and pointed to an area that I had not been in. We walked over and I took a look. There it was. In amongst a bunch of Line 6 and Marshall heads was a clean, vintage, blackface Fender Showman! I've been looking at these on eBay, mostly because they never have them at guitar stores around town. It really was a surprise! Especially since I've wanted one for some time now. I plugged in a Strat and played through a Tonemaster speaker. This thing sounds incredible! The tone was so warm; everything about it sounded perfect. I didn't have much money, what with school and all, so I asked if I could put it on layaway. I couldn't pass it up after hearing it, plus it was a great price. The guy said they'd hold it for me for a month, and that I could come in and make payments on it to extend that time. I should be able to pay it off in a few weeks, though. It will soon be mine!
As soon as I get it, I'll have pictures to post. Then I just have to find a good cabinet to go with it. Still, I'm finally getting my dream amp.