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"nor can it have the same integration with the OS"

nothing integrates well with Vista or XP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hell you need 2 gigs of ram for Vista just to fire up... but thats another topic...

"nor can it have the same integration with the OS"

nothing integrates well with Vista or XP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hell you need 2 gigs of ram for Vista just to fire up... but thats another topic...

You don't need to convince me of that. I use 90% Macs. I'm continually amazed that something as cumbersome and downright faulty as Windows has 90% of the market.

Youth and enthusiasm are no match for age and treachery.

Ever tried Audacity? I find it to do a pretty good job for simple multi track recording, although it is a little limited with the included effects - but you can always download some plug ins.

Ever tried Audacity? I find it to do a pretty good job for simple multi track recording, although it is a little limited with the included effects - but you can always download some plug ins.

I use Audacity as my 'second' recording program - it's great for freeware

Tim O
oestmann guitar



gargeband is pretty cool. i still have lots to learn about that program. anyone wanna give me a quick tutorial?

gargeband is pretty cool. i still have lots to learn about that program. anyone wanna give me a quick tutorial?

ripitkyle77, sorry to reply over a month later, i missed your post previously

Here's the official manual:

however, I find doing searches on YouTube often helpful - put in "garageband tutorial" or something similar. There will be a 7 year girl out there who has nailed it and has the teaching ability of a 30 year old. Try it, and you'll see what I mean Very Happy

Otherwise type "garageband tutorial" straight into google or another search engine - there's plenty out there. If all else fails, some kind gentlemen or woman will lend you their services here, won't they? Wink

Tim O
oestmann guitar



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