Joined: Feb 27, 2006
Posts: 25647

Posted on Feb 23 2009 04:58 PM
I have a shooting pain down my left arm and trouble breathing. Is that bad?
Ted - Drink 2 Jet Pilots and call me in the morning 
shit after 2 Jet Pilots, you wont be able to feel your head, let alone anything else that hurts.
a few years back I was having bad back pain.
the only thing that made the pain go away was 3 really strong tropical drinks
at Tiki Ti or Trader Vics.
it was expensive 45 to 50 bucks but it worked.

— Jeff(bigtikidude)
Joined: Jul 05, 2006
Posts: 290
Shwa City

Posted on Feb 23 2009 05:08 PM
Well I'm no expert, but any medical professional will tell you that your nervous system sends certain signals to your brain for a reason. Sensations such as pain are there to remind you to lay off.
For instance, if you have a back injury, moving a certain way might be excruciating, so you avoid making those motions. Take painkillers and you bypass your body's warning of "hey don't do that" and risk aggravating the injury.
99% of the gigs you get aren't worth damaging your health. If your hands are swollen, don't medicate and force them to do something your body is telling them not to do. Take some time off and heal, it is the smart thing to do.
can you email the robots drummer and tell him exactly what you've written here and earlier about playing injured. can't convince the guy that playing with multiple fractures in his left ankle isn't worth it. he has a hard time with swallowing
Joined: Apr 24, 2006
Posts: 236
Plantation, FL

Posted on Feb 24 2009 05:59 AM
Dr. Surfguitar: I get shooting pains down my neck, back, legs, arms, hands and feet when I go to work, especially when I first sit at my desk in the morning. It doesn't let-up until I'm in my car heading home for the evening. Should I take Naproxin and stay at work or just stay at home on disability and drink gin and tonic?
— What day is Surf Rock's birthday? Looks like Surf Rock and I was born the same year. Maybe we are both Libras?
Joined: Aug 18, 2006
Posts: 1732

Posted on Feb 24 2009 11:41 AM
Dr. Surfguitar: I get shooting pains down my neck, back, legs, arms, hands and feet when I go to work, especially when I first sit at my desk in the morning. It doesn't let-up until I'm in my car heading home for the evening. Should I take Naproxin and stay at work or just stay at home on disability and drink gin and tonic?
I was in on a consult for fitness for duty once, and a case came up where the person was falling asleep at work because of "night terrors". One of the board members said "I have the opposite. I wake up every morning, realize I have to see all of you, and start screaming..."
Joined: Apr 07, 2008
Posts: 182

Posted on Mar 20 2009 10:32 PM
Well, I'm happy to say I'm 100% recovered. The consensus of my regular doc and the rheumatologist is that it was just that, an allergic reaction to the cholesterol medication.
The second blood test came back normal after being out of whack while I was suffering through the joint pain and swelling.
My doc says it's normal for the side effects of the second bout with the medication to be worse than the first because that's how allergies work.
One of the ironies is that my cholesterol was not terribly high in the first place and could have been lowered with a modified diet.
I guess the moral of the story is when you try a new medication, be on the lookout for side effects, and don't dismiss your suspicions as paranoia.
Thanks for all the good wishes and advice.
Joined: Dec 16, 2006
Posts: 892
Macomb Mich

Posted on Mar 21 2009 09:59 AM
My doc wants me to take all this damn medication cause my cholestorol is a whopping 148... WTF thats barely above normal.... i laid off the greasy stuff for a few weeks and it went down a bit... i hate doctors. and glad to hear you are feeling better:)
— I wanna play just like him when i grow up...
Joined: Aug 18, 2006
Posts: 1732

Posted on Mar 22 2009 11:57 AM
My doc wants me to take all this damn medication cause my cholestorol is a whopping 148... WTF thats barely above normal.... i laid off the greasy stuff for a few weeks and it went down a bit... i hate doctors. and glad to hear you are feeling better:)
I volunteer as a medical advocate for Elders. And I can tell you, the numbers for "Normal" seem to go down almost every year... 
Joined: Apr 07, 2009
Posts: 18
Elkhart, IN USA

Posted on Apr 07 2009 02:21 AM
im going to buy you guys some cheerios so you can do the cholesterol challenge and get that stuff lowered so you can play guitar without swollen hands and no heart attack worries
— No such thing as too much reverb!