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Permalink Swollen Hands - What To Do?

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I have had a bad reaction to a medication resulting in swollen hands.

About a year ago I was prescribed Zimvastatin (Zocor) for high cholesterol. I couldn't remember why I stopped taking it, but I assumed it was simply because I forgot to (I'm not good with adopting new habits).
I found the bottle a couple weeks ago, felt guilty for not taking my medicine like a good boy, and resumed taking it.
Now I remember why I stopped taking it the first time; joint pain. This time however, the side effects are much worse; fever, hives, itchig ankles, joint pain, and now swelling in my hands.
Naturally, I stopped taking it and this time threw the pills away. The Doctor's not concerned about any permanent damage, and we expect a full recovery.

The immediate problem is that I still have swollen hands and I have a gig tomorrow night. The question is this: Other than taking an anti-inflammatory (I'm taking prescription Naproxen), what can I do to reduce the swelling in my hands?

Anyone have experience with this? Comments? Suggestions? Words of wisdom?


Try some benadryl.

Short term (right now) elevate your hands as much as possible before the gig, restrict salt, stop coffee and drink as much green tea as you can stomach. Long term try to avoid as much caffeine as you can except for green tea, fish oil, reduce salt, eat greens until you are back to normal. Sam-E is expensive but some folks experience some quick benefit to joint swelling and pain. Best of luck with the gig.

try ice for 20 minutes.
- bill

What day is Surf Rock's birthday? Looks like Surf Rock and I was born the same year. Maybe we are both Libras?

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Last edited: Sep 23, 2009 22:18:19


About a year ago I was prescribed Zimvastatin (Zocor) ...

I found the bottle a couple weeks ago

Did you check the expiry date before taking them?
This is not the best place to be asking for an opinion on medication and health issues. I wouldn't go on a medical forum to ask about guitars...

I read his post as he's been to the Doc who said "no permanent damage". I recon he's just asking what other guitarists who have dealt with inflamation prior to "having" to play have done. By the way, I agree on the ice. If anything mild warmth will improve circulation and help to move fluid out with a little elevation and a mild diuretic (with antioxidants) like green tea. My advice was straightforward simple anti-inflammation dietary advice. Considering his inflammation isn't related to infection, it's not going to hurt anything, and long term will help.

I'd recommend the ice too....preferable mixed with gin and tonic Wink
Hold the glass in the sore hand....repeat as needed. It works for me.

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Last edited: Sep 23, 2009 22:18:36

Just got back from rehearsal. My hands were a bit stiff, but I was pleasantly surprised at what I was still able to do. When I got back to the house I soaked my hands in cold water for five minutes. They're still swollen, but they don't hurt as much as I thought they would after playing for two hours.

The Simvastatin I took was not that old (dispensed 12/07, exp. 4/10/09). I might try the Benadryl. What can it hurt? At least I know I'm not allergic to it as I've had it plenty of times before for hay fever allergies.
The Naproxen is prescription strength, and it's hurting my stomach a little bit, but no more than a good bowl of chili.

I'm going to try the green tea and alternate cold and warm water soaking. No more than 5 min each hour.

Wish me luck.

The bigger issue besides playing this gig or not is your long term health. You should really go back to your doctor to make sure you have a high chloesterol medicine that does not give you adverse side affects so you'll take it.

Benadryl can be pretty soporific. I took it for inflamation from a spider bite once, and was warned of this. They were right. I slept pretty much constantly while on it. Do you get naps between sets?

My understanding is that your particular symptoms are not unknown with statins or some statins. Don't take it if it has side effects that are awkward. Doctors worry about cholesterol, blood pressure, weight, etc., for good reasons, however, so keep talking to him about that.

To remember pills get yourself a pill box with days of the week compartments and put it where you'll see it at the right time of day. Mine's in the bathroom where I can see it and it won't get wet.

My understanding is that your particular symptoms are not unknown with statins or some statins.

I immediately assumed the inflammation was due to increase blood toxicity (yeah that sounds a little hippie Embarassed ) due to the statins stressing the liver, which is the number one statin fear. I'm sure the "no permanent damage" statement was about his liver, not his hands...

Talk to your doctor.


Canadian Surf

I have a shooting pain down my left arm and trouble breathing. Is that bad?

I have a shooting pain down my left arm and trouble breathing. Is that bad?

Have you tried benadryl?

Atomic Mosquitos
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Killers from Space

I have a shooting pain down my left arm and trouble breathing. Is that bad?

Ted - Drink 2 Jet Pilots and call me in the morning Laughing

Eric - For the swollen hands take 2 Alleve (not advil, not tylenol, not motrin) a couple hours before you go on. It helps me.



I have a shooting pain down my left arm and trouble breathing. Is that bad?

Ted - Drink 2 Jet Pilots and call me in the morning Laughing

Eric - For the swollen hands take 2 Alleve (not advil, not tylenol, not motrin) a couple hours before you go on. It helps me.

Aleve is Naproxen, he already said he's taking prescription Naproxen.

I think the 2 Jet Pilots might be a better prescription for Eric too! Wink

As Zak said before, you might want to seek medical advice from somewhere other than a surf guitar forum.

Atomic Mosquitos
Bug music for bug people is here!
Killers from Space

This always works for me Wink

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Last edited: Sep 23, 2009 22:21:46

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