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I play instrumental solo slack key guitar

Samples of my music are here:

I mainly play Rock N Roll to Punk music. I am doing some covers with some guys of mainly Ramones,Misfits,Black Flag,Dead Kennedy's ETC.

I also like to play classic Rock N Roll like Chuck Berry.


COWPUNK! Jason and the Scorchers,(I own JATS guitarist Warner Hodges old Flying V), Rank and File, mixed in with a little 80's LA punk like the Plugz, X, and stuff like the Blasters.
I also play a lot of Michael Schenker but I do it alone since none of my musician friends like UFO !
I built a few Brian May styled guitars 15 years ago (they are like the first generation mid 80's Guild BHM models), and I still have one of those that I play some early Queen on...once in a while I jam with friends but most of this stuff is just me bashing around the house, I don't have a lot of time to devote to a band right now.

Mostly blues nowadays(if anything), but my first bands were "new wave" bands in the early 80's (U2, Rockpile, XTC, Elvis C., Smiths, etc). Played that thru the mid 80's. Then got into a blues band and continued that thru the late 90's. SHort stint in country bands but I sucked at that. Still do fill-ins with blues bands. I ditched the effects and pick for blues - just my Epi Alleykat straight into the amp. AT home I attempt acoustic fingerstyle. I love Americana and cowpunk bands but never played in one. I'm committed to surf right now - the "twang" has always been a constant for me.

My natural 'default' is sloppy blues from years of Hendrix and Zeppelin...and I play live acoustic guitar in church with a stand up bass, drums and keyboard ...stories strange but true...

Tim O
oestmann guitar



I play 70's rock and glam( Free, Bowie ,Bolan ,Ronson)at open mic nights when I want to have fun or solo instrumental guitar playing Acker Bilk,
Stanley Myers and Beatles songs arranged for solo guitarfor my lounge cum background music gigs I also play solo versions of Pacifica, Surf Rider,Sleepwalk and diamond Head

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