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Permalink anyone here cover 'police truck'?

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anyone here do a instro version of 'police truck' by the dead kennedys?

i was thinking about making it a new project but if it's already been done i may move on to something else.


I wanna do California Ubber Alis (sp?)


I thought PDM's Route 666 could include a verse of police truck.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

I was working on an all instro version of Holiday in Cambodia. Unfortunately, my old Memory Man stopped working, so I kind of put this to the side. I should get back to trying to finish it up

We use to cover it in one of my old bands but we were doing the full song with vocals and a surf version.


We fooled around with it in my old punk band (vocal version). We never played it live because our singer didn't really feel comfortable pulling it off, but I think it'd be cool as a full instro.

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

We fooled around with it in my old punk band (vocal version). We never played it live because our singer didn't really feel comfortable pulling it off, but I think it'd be cool as a full instro.

I dont think anyone on earth could possibly feel comfortable pulling any of Biaffras vocal parts.

"There's six of us babe, so sucka my dick!"

Jello rules so hard.

Science friction burns my fingers.

Twisted Evil Hell yeah man, I love that line. It's my favorite part of the song. And it's also my favorite DK's song. BTW Tony I forgot to give you the DK's poster...

The Deadbeats

The Robots do a instro medley of Police Truck/Holiday in Cambodia/Stealin People Mail/Let's Lynch the Landlord

We play to lots of punk crowds and that medley is our ace in the hole for those shows.

When it comes to Dead Kennedys and songs dealing with cops, I was always partial to their version of "I Fought The Law". That's not to say "Police Truck" isn't effing awesome, though.

Because it is.

"Dispatch calls, are you doing somethin' wicked? No siree, jack, we're just giving tickets!"



El Ray have done "Too Drunk to Fuck", at least live. Hawaii Samurai (a french trio) did it as well. We did it once too live.
Really cool if the audince knows the text and shouts in the refrain.

"Ubber Alis"
"wala "

Is this german and french? Confused Laughing

Last edited: Mar 02, 2009 15:49:14

I dunno,
I don't speak or read either.



thanks jeff, although i find the hula hoop gal a bit distracting Laughing

But she's dancing......kind of.



thanks jeff, although i find the hula hoop gal a bit distracting Laughing

sorry Carol,
I read the title and thought you might wanna hear it.
if i hadn't had the volume on the speakers up, I would have never known there was a band playing.



uck. totally devoid of energy.

The Tremblors on Facebook!

The Tremblors on MySpace!

OK, no Mizz Szandora. I found her sort of distracting, too.

We get the vocals back, however.

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