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At last The Verbtones will be releasing a full length disc this coming summer with a tour in the works I hope more T.B.A!!!



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We've decided not to edit CDs anymore, only small vinyl in small runs.


Because it's sad to put a lot of effort and money into a CD just to see it available for free at P2P nets a few days later and selling just a few hundred copies because everyone interested has downloaded it or got pirated copies available for less at flea markets, or a friend copied it for him or...

Besides, a lot of people are turning their ears back to vinyl. It's a much more collectible format and IMHO... just sounds better. We want to make short runs so they sell out quickly and grab the money to make more records in a 2-or-3-per-year basis.

Satan's Pilgrims will be releasing their first full-length lp of new material since 1999. More later.

OMG Hey man this was suppose to be on the down low :lol:. Will this be a CD/LP release? Razz And if so, will the album Art be of an Elmo Toilet seat? LMAO

:)I think that the Nebulas might also be releasing something next year.

Cool Hey Kyle do you still have any copies left of that Vampiro Classics CD?

The Deadbeats

Last edited: Dec 04, 2008 14:55:51

We're doing the vinyl thing too, no more CDs in the forseeable future. We have a 4 song ep coming out in Feb 09 on our new label, Reverb Ranch, called Ski School. Hey, we are from the Frozen North. The 4 tracks were recorded live off the floor at an amazing studio, featuring just the 3 of us on drums, bass & baritone guitar.


Canadian Surf

CDs for us. Not having CDs pressed eliminates a HUGE percentage of buyers. Also, vinyl is much more expensive so you won't net the same return you get from a CD. Sell 100 CDs make your investment back, sell 200 CDs and you can finance a smaller vinyl run or t-shirts.

If you only sell a couple hundred CDs there aren't that many people trading it illegally online. Besides, those people aren't going to buy it anyways. If you have a good product people are going to buy it regardless.

I'll pick up vinyl before I pick up a CD from a band. But Jake's right, if the product is good I'll buy no matter the format.

The TomorrowMen are broke mofos. We need a quick scheme to get some money to record.

Science friction burns my fingers.

T-shirts always made us a bunch of money.

And yes, I'm a vinyl before CD guy myself, however, I always end up pickup up for formats.

CDs for us. Not having CDs pressed eliminates a HUGE percentage of buyers. Also, vinyl is much more expensive so you won't net the same return you get from a CD.

No question, vinyl is expensive. It's about the same price to press 500 7" as it is 500 CDs, and you really can't charge as much.

There is just something so cool about vinyl...maybe it's because I grew up in the vinyl age. Just to "hedge" our bets, the 4 song ep will be available as a digital download when you order the 45rpm. Plus it is being pressed in cool coloured vinyl.


Glad to hear about Satan's Pilgrims.

Maybe we should start a CD vs Vinyl thread...

Canadian Surf

A CD vs. vinyl thread has way too many people just making guesses about the differences between the two. And people always get the wrong impression about digital music quality.

And what you said about 7" is totally dead on. You can't charge as much. We really wanted to get one pressed. We decided it was more cost effective to get LPs pressed instead. However, we never got any made. We decided to spend a lot more money recording our new album instead. It really shows as well.


Satan's Pilgrims will be releasing their first full-length lp of new material since 1999. More later.

OMG Hey man this was suppose to be on the down low :lol:. Will this be a CD/LP release? Razz And if so, will the album Art be of an Elmo Toilet seat? LMAO

No longer on the d/l. I'm coming out! We're planning on cd and vinyl. Lotsa vinyl! I am trying to work the Elmo toilet seat in there.

No longer on the d/l. I'm coming out! We're planning on cd and vinyl. Lotsa vinyl! I am trying to work the Elmo toilet seat in there.

Smile That's good to know, I was hoping you guys would release it on Vinyl also. For the album cover may I suggest this?
Cool You can call the album "Potty Time with Satan's Pilgrims", Kinda catchy if you ask me. Confused you ever wonder how doing #2 on a potty with the kid's favorite fictional character is suppose to make it more appealing?

The Deadbeats

You guys should definitely go for a potty theme this time. After all these years in waiting... you're big kids now.

That and we have a new song called Dale Jr.. We're trying to contact his agent for the video. Here he is again, in case you forgot about lil' Dale.

'pot time with Satan's Pilgrims'. I like it!

we might put out something small in 2009.

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

We'll be releasing something, but we're not sure in what format just yet.

(defunct) Thee Jaguar Sharks

Plus! Other stuff not surf:
Enjoy every minute

There might be some long forgotten recordings coming this summer if the planets alighn.

Jeff Utterback

HC's or BW's?

either way great news.


Both, maybe new stuff from both bands also.

Steve Hill is really pushing for the unreleased Cads`stuff to come out. we will see.

Jeff Utterback

Satan's Pilgrims will be releasing their first full-length lp of new material since 1999. More later.

Can't wait to have it!

This post has been removed by the author.

Last edited: Sep 23, 2009 21:52:58

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