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Permalink Why "the system" hates Dick Dale...

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Listen, grasshopper, and hear the wisdom of Mr. Dale...

(another youtube video interview)

Nice !!!!!!

Stick it to the man Dick! Cool

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

all hail the king of the surf guitar

I love it!

Agree Dick is so right-on here!!! What an awesome interview.



haha good interview. Good for Dick Dale telling it like it is.

what??? hates DD?? gonna get my spider bike and skimboard and go beaching.. too much vile noise here. sorry that the system has another major problem Evil

hes absolutly right.
on a sidenote if you havnt read this steve albini article about signing to a label, its worth the read.

thanks Neal, very illuminating. Ka-Ching!!! Thumbs Down

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

... this steve albini article about signing to a label, its worth the read...


f-ing right on! the Albini article is right on the money!


Oh yeah, read that years ago, and agreed to every word.

The Scimitars

Just got a chance to watch the interview - well put!

The Scimitars

WARNING: long and obnoxious post ahead.

I love the DD clip, very good advise, given from the pov of the indivdual musician, at one point he says something like doing stuff from your own strenght. very cool.

as for Albini, I dunno. he makes some good point, esp about the seductive tactics of A&R managers. but on the other hand.... giving it the moral twist and presenting it as a case of morality and fairness, I'll go out on a limb and say: what a whiner. that article, apart form a few good points, is just full of faulty logic and absurd hidden premisses.

the company gets 700 grand, the bandmebers get 4. So? that's supposed to be unfair? you cant compare a company with an individual. how many people work at the company? who gets paid from that 700 grand? it's just BS to present some abstract entity like "the record company" and then call it bad by pretending it's some sort of indivdual. you know what, those mucho dollars in the end ALSO pay the medical bills of the lady who cleans the toilets at the record company. she gets less then the 4 thousand, and she truely has a shitty job.
Of course, the ceo's and share holders in the record company get shitloads of money. undeserved? some think so, others don't. eitherway, it's legal, it's how we designed society and how most people think is the best way, and it is nothing exclusive for the record industry, either.

the producer gets 50 thousand, the bandmebers only 4. think that's unfair? just supply and demand. how many awesome bands with commercial potential and the looks to boot are there out there? You don't need more then 20 minutes on myspace to find yourself a potential millionseller. and how many good producers are out there? supply and demand, as simple as that. Wanna get rich, better start working on becoming a good producer.

Albini also seems to be assuming that without the record company's strategy, publicity and management, the band would at the same point in time be just as succesful, sell as many records, be as popular, and have made more money. that's ridiculous. they'd probably still be doing local gigs and have dayjobs, or maybe maybe maybe just earn a living by playing state-wide. The may have gone the dick dale way, which would have been smart, but also takes a lot of time, and a lot of hard work and discipline. with still slim chances of lasting succes and wealth. so in reality, if the A&R guy hadn 't come along, the band most likely had been even worse off after the same period of time.

Yeah, Dick Dale's advise is good and afaic the way to go if you want to be in a pro-band. But Albini's article is for the most part just completly unconvincing rhetoric.

EDIT: oh wait. one more thing. except for the bitchin' about the lawyer of course. ALL lawyers are crooks. everybody knows that. Wink


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Yeah, Albini's a solid-state, cold sound, ohh I'm gonna shock you jerk. We actually got on a bill with his post-Big Black band that I can't remember the name of in Boise once. His bandmates were nice, but he was seething with hatred for us and our "retro novelty act". He didn't mind taking major label money for recording the Pixies and others either. Some moral ground.

He didn't mind taking major label money for recording the Pixies and others either. Some moral ground.

Steve Albini takes on major projects like the Pixies and Nirvana, so he can funnel those big dollars into producing good bands that noones ever heard of.


you do make some good points. a business needs money to run. your arguments are also a little spotty, but i know what your trying to get across. i think what it comes down to is 4,00$ is not worth doing anything. a cleaning lady makes a lot more than that. how are you suppose to live and make another album on 4 grand. remember humans also have to eat and gain shelter. hah 4 grand is only 3 months rent here in new york city. thats if you have roomates.

you said > Wanna get rich, better start working on becoming a good producer.

my take is want to get rich, learn marketing and promotion. this is the one major expense a label puts into a band, that the common musician does not have. you are right, the label takes a huge burdon off the artist on this topic.

again, i really think the point is not that the label makes 700G's and the producer makes 90G's, but the fact that the musucian is the only one who cant make a living from his own product.

His bandmates were nice, but he was seething with hatred for us and our "retro novelty act".

Wow....applying the label of "retro novelty act" to Satan's Pilgrims make me very mad... Evil Obviously he has no clue about you guys.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

We actually got on a bill with his post-Big Black band that I can't remember the name of in Boise once. His bandmates were nice, but he was seething with hatred for us and our "retro novelty act". He didn't mind taking major label money for recording the Pixies and others either. Some moral ground.

Was it Shellac? Man, that would have been a weird show.

I think it's kind of funny he charged the Pixies more to record one of their songs when they were on a major label than he did for their entire first album.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

I think it's kind of funny he charged the Pixies more to record one of their songs when they were on a major label than he did for their entire first album.

In economics we call that 'price discrimination', and it's a common strategy to maximize profits - charge each person according to their demand, i.e. what they are willing/able to pay. You know, pretty much the same thing that major labels are doing. Darn, can't seem to find that higher moral ground of Albini's....


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