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Permalink what new surf(ish) band have you found on the web?

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Wow, the Space Rangers are awesome! Very Happy

Science friction burns my fingers.

Yeah, thanks for the heads up on the Space Rangers Jeff!

I've come across Goggle-A from Japan on myspace. Love these guys!!

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

I actually Heard the Space Rangers while co djing with Clint Beachwood 1 time. then I forgot about them.
was surfing the web looking at bands myspaces, and saw their avatar and remembered the cd cover.
So thanks go kinda to Clint too.


For what it's worth, I picked up the Space Rangers CD a little while ago and was reeeeeeeeeeally disappointed. I seem to recall the songs on MySpace being far and away the best from the album. (I think there's a brief write-up in the Recent Purchases thread.)

Goggle-A rules. That is all.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Goggle-A rules. That is all.

Holy shit! yeah they do!

Science friction burns my fingers.

I **HIGHLY** recommend Goggle-A's "Live in Europe"DVD - it should be readily available through Sazanami Label, which they run.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Here Some of my favorites, in that surfy-but-not-quite-surf vein, with a few comments: (apologies if you are familiar with these acts already...hey, you never know!)

The Vanduras Though mellow in a similar style, these guys eat the Aqua Velvets for lunch.

The Engine Room Honestly played rockabilly/surf/instro hybrid...glad they finally found a new drummer. Better recordings sure to follow.

James Wilsey The dude behind the original Chris Isaak twangbarification.

Messer Chups WTF is this band? Amazingly weird and fun.

O'Haras So sweaty and drunk and raw. Lots of energy. Listen to the music and you can almost smell this band.


I'd recommend Joao Erbetta:
Joao has been on SG101 on occasion but I'm afraid his thread may have gotten buried. He's primarily a Brazilian jazz guitarist with chops out the wazoo, living in DC (but shortly moving to NY). His new CD, "The LA Sessions" was recorded by Pete Curry (who also played drums on it), and is one of editor's picks by Art Thompson in the new Holiday 2008 issue of Guitar Player magazine. There are only a couple of 'true' surf songs on the CD, the rest being a mix of rockabilly, latin, country, jazz and all sorts of other rootsy influences. A very diverse CD, and Joao plays like a madman! And the songs are very cool, too. The lead song, Viva Waimea!, is a surf monster!

I second this one too! Viva Waimea! is a great song! The rest of the CD is very reminiscent of the Atomic 7.

Atomic Mosquitos
Bug music for bug people is here!
Killers from Space

Yeah, thanks for the heads up on the Space Rangers Jeff!

I've come across Goggle-A from Japan on myspace. Love these guys!!

Ryan, I booked the Goggle-A 5/6 years ago in Italy and they are one of the most amazing bands I have seen live! What a show! Japanese stuff is normally VERY good, everything comin' from Japan is extremely well done with an extraordinary attention to details, but these guys really rock.

Lorenzo "Surfer Joe" Valdambrini

The VandurasThough mellow in a similar style, these guys eat the Aqua Velvets for lunch.

I can not rave enough about The Vanduras. What a great band. One of my current favorites.

I also must rave about Joao Erbetta. Ivan introduced me to him when I was in D.C. For Laika/LS, and he is an incredibly nice guy and a great player!!

This is a great thread! I'm glad to be exposed to more great music.

  • Jamie

Banzai Surf:

Centurions: (run by a keyboardist/producer Perris Alexander who played with some of the originals in the 1990s, I think)

The Eldorados:

The Maladroits:

Los Venturas:

The Impacts (no those Impacts, however):

Martini Five-O:

Monster Pete & the Chiefs: (not all that new, of course!)

Last edited: Nov 19, 2008 18:29:18

Maraca Five-O

Merrell Fankhauser:

Randy Holden:

Sorry, I can't seem to locate the base address for Holden, who was with, e.g., the Fender IV and the later non-surf group Blue Cheer.

Don't know of a site for the Fender IV, though it would be nice.

Some of their stuff is up in corners of MySpace at what I call ghost/tribute band sites, or band sites that have one friend or two, and seem to exist to host a couple of songs somebody wanted to put on their profile.

I have visited the Dengue Fever MySpace site lately and found the song Tiger Phone Card rather intrigueing. The guy plays a Jazzmaster too!

  • Bill M.

What day is Surf Rock's birthday? Looks like Surf Rock and I was born the same year. Maybe we are both Libras?

The Twang Tens (my new band); The Blue Moodys, The Sons of The Pacific and Beachkrieg are all a few of the new (2008) additions to the Bay Area Surf scene. They have MySpace pages.

The Twang Tens are playing with The Blue Moodys at The Retox in San Fran on Dec 19th.


bIGwAvE Dave

try not to read this as shameless self-promotion, b/c that's not my intent

but on TWANG SHEBANG I make efforts to feature bands from around the world that perhaps many surf fans have never heard of, or maybe they have heard the artists' names, but not their music

the next edition of the show will feature a few Mexican bands; also combos from Italy, Russia


Justing dusting off my air guitar ready for the Irradiates shippment!
This band includes Dick Dens (Hawaii Samurai guitarist)

The Irradiates - First Radiations (500 limited vinyl + CD)

not really surf but interesting Instros.
the Las Vegas Nines.


from France
they feature the Guitar player and drummer that used to be in Hawaii Samurai.


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