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Permalink SURF DRUM DVD here at last! Really!

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that reminds me, I need to watch the 2nd part of this.
gosh I get distracted.


Paul Johnson made a preview clip for the DVD.

here it is:


I watched my copy for the second time last night, and will watch it many more times in the future. This documentary has been long overdue, and it's great to have it now.

I was a kid growing up in South Dakota when I was first exposed to surf music. The "beach movies" of the 60's came to our little town, bringing Dick Dale and The Deltones to my attention. I was instantly hooked, and soon after discovered some Ventures albums, I got a guitar and started dreaming of one day playing surf music.

This DVD has filled me in on the real history of how it all began, the interviews are great, and for anyone who has an interest in surf music, it is a "must have". As has been said, don't assume it is just for drummers. It is for everyone who loves surf.

I'm hoping more like it might be in development, maybe structured from a guitar and bass player's view of things.

Mega thanks to Paul Johnson, Dusty Watson, and ALL who were involved with this wonderful production!

For anyone who does not yet own this DVD...what are you waiting for? GET IT!

Matt -
I just ordered my copy today as a Christmas gift for our drummer. I'm looking forward to it.
- Frank


Can't thank everyone enough for the kind words---we're thrilled that it's being so well received. THANK YOU! (Don't forget to take advantage of the SG101 bro discount---$20 plus $3 for S&H. Paypal to

I got it yesterday (only 3 days or so to the UK) and I watched it all the way through. Very interesting and excellent value as it runs to nearly 3 hours in all. Congratulations on a good job.

Youth and enthusiasm are no match for age and treachery.

Hi all !!

I'm New Here

I'm gonna ordering my copy and thanks for that fantastic foro that I'm reading.

all the best!!

the Panteras

I got my copy at the Huntinigton Beach Surf Museum a few weeks ago on a family Disneyland trip. Watching it was the first thing I did after getting home (well, after feeding the cat that is).

What a great source of surf music history with some amazing interviews, cool footage and stills, and some really really great music!! I think it's kind of presented from a guitarists perspective as being a drum geek I would have liked some techno-weenie talk (brand names of kits, "falling off the riser" stories... y'know) ...but I'm quibbling... it's undeniably great and everyone should buy it immediately and watch it over and over again!


The Apollo Four 2012-present
The Verbtones 2002-2012

I spent a nice Thanksgiving day post-feast coma watching this amazing video. My cheeks hurt from smiling so much. This is an amazing bit of history and insight into surf music that everyone here must own!

Part 1 is the documentary and part 2 is the instructional drumming. All of it fascinating for any surf fan, not just the drummers. And, at over 3 hours, there is plenty of stuff to enjoy and watch again and again.

Fantastic job! Thank you so much for making this!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I Got My Copy !!!

thanks Jon !

the Panteras



I bought my copy from Bob at the SG101 convention and really dig it.

Did anyone else notice Dan Forte's great review in Vintage Guitar Magazine - page 135 of the February issue (Elvin Bishop cover)?

Phil Dirt also gives us a great blow-by-blow review on reverbcentral. Hit the 5 Stars button and scroll down to Various Artists. Thanks, Phil!

Please could someone name the background track about 15mins in, bang on the "Paul Johnson talks to Richard Delvy" intro. ..thanks.

Watched this video again over the weekend. Just doesn't get old. Really great stuff. If you haven't purchased this DVD yet, do so quickly.


Matt Quilter said at the SG101 convention that quantities were starting to get really low, like 100 or less left.

buy it now, before the price goes thru the roof and your kickin yourself having to buy it on e-bay.


My drummers holding my copy hostage so just ordered another...gotta have it... Cool Cool Cool

My drummers holding my copy hostage so just ordered another...gotta have it... Cool Cool Cool

So is mine...think we may have to break out the plungers and do a "Watergate!"

FYI, the DVD was Instrumental - no pun intended, in helping me sell the idea and recruit folks to play Surf. Great stuff indeed!



A little bit too late! But there is one more happy owner of this fabulous DVD!
Great work guys and very interesting DVD. I'm really happy that I have this in my collection. Razz

Every word is like an unecessary stain on silence and nothingness.

Is this still available !?

Member of the league of banana yamaha's !

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