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Last edited: Sep 28, 2009 15:35:19

Yeah, I like them too and definitely VERY influenced by Davie and the Arrows although they completely failed on getting the blue color right Laughing



T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

met these guys in CALELLA SPAIN at the WIPE OUT FESTIVAL, 2004

we all "sang" along to the chorus of APACHE when DAVIE and the ARROWS performed....not the words, mind you, but the "da da da da da, da da da da da da", well,,,I think you know what I mean

I believe this is them?
took this shot at the WIPE OUT FESTIVAL

and DAVIE on stage


ps gives me an idea of doing a pictorial recap of the event, I got some great stuff of so many bands, BITCH BOYS, LOST ACAPULCO, etc

For me they are interesting for the way they seem to really be into that certain niche of post surf/pre psychedelic, when the Ventures had a more fuzz guitar sound. Lucy's Trip takes it further than I want to go into the realm of psychedelic--like the soundtrack to an acid freak-out scene in a Roger Corman B-movie--but I really like all the other tracks.


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Last edited: Sep 27, 2009 23:09:14

This is pretty cool. Their sound's definitely got some hair on its chest.

Last edited: Jun 29, 2008 22:37:03

Yeah, I like them too and definitely VERY influenced by Davie and the Arrows although they completely failed on getting the blue color right Laughing



Wait, so now even promo pictures are supposed to look exactly like the originals. Shocked Laughing

Apparently that isn't vintage blue.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Let this be a lesson to anyone who decides not to use a pre-CBS tone of blue.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

heard this guys a while ago and thought they were really good, been trying to look for an album or something so i can listen to them more i totally forgot about them. are these the guys who originally wrote "Werewolves on wheels" ? because on the "halloween Hootennay" compilation they list them as the band playing it but then again the ghastly ones play it on their "unearthed" album. just wanted to know.




Combo Tezeta IG

Hey, don't be so hard on them. Even Sundazed didn't get it right although their choice of blue looks more period correct than the original Tower album! Razz


T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Hey, don't be so hard on them. Even Sundazed didn't get it right although their choice of blue looks more period correct than the original Tower album! Razz


image Razz

there is a track BORN LOSERS THEME on the CYCLE-DELIC album, incidentally

and later on the DEVIL'S RUMBLE SUNDAZED 2CD set

which is where, of course, the band got its name

here is a fun link:

this is the poster for the BORN LOSERS flick:


I remember seeing Billy Jack when I was about 16. It made a big impression and was quite a hit actually. So much so that they soon re-released Born Losers to capitalize on Tom Laughlin's fame. I think the bikini clad girls riding motorcycles impressed me even more.

Cool I ran into this band looking at Davie Allan videos on YouTube a couple days ago. And found this thread searching for them on Google :lol:. These dudes absolutely kick ass, I love all the songs on their MySpace. And the videos are Muy Chidos. Although i will have to take some points off because they did not use a pre-CBS tone of blue for their Promo Picture.

The Deadbeats

Sadly they disbanded last month. Pau (Guitar) and Dani (Bass) are now in a great R&B band called The Fabulous Ottomans

Wink Well that's to bad. They had a really good thing going on. They had some great Fuzz/Surf tunes. Oh well, I'm still gonna buy both their 45s. Hmmm What's with great bands switching from Surf to R&B? First the Reluctant Aquanauts, and now the Born Losers. Sounds like a conspiracy to me Laughing

The Deadbeats


Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

heard this guys a while ago and thought they were really good, been trying to look for an album or something so i can listen to them more i totally forgot about them. are these the guys who originally wrote "Werewolves on wheels" ? because on the "halloween Hootennay" compilation they list them as the band playing it but then again the ghastly ones play it on their "unearthed" album. just wanted to know.

I had been wondering about this as well. I tried to look them up after hearing this song on Halloween Hootenanny and saw that it appeared to be a Ghastly Ones song. I just now looked at the CD liner and it says it was performed by The Born Losers, written by The Ghastly Ones.

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