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I looked through the archives, and didn't find anything. I've looked at a couple of lessons, but none of them helped. Whenever I play a chord, I mute the other strings, how do I stop this, keeping my thumb in the middle of the neck isn't very comfortable, which was one solution.


I also like to think that all early 60's fender equipment is happy to be playing surf music again. After all, its the music it was meant to play.

Building callouses on your fingertips is what's needed.
Now turn your pc off for a couple of months and get to practicing young Khaled...

It is all practice. Over time you will stop muting the strings. I always try to keep my fingers as close to the fret as possible for reference, which may also help me not mute the other strings as it teaches my muscle memory exactly how each finger should be.

Uhh, ok. BTW, my account won't log out, it keeps saying I've looged out, then taking me to the main page, and having me logged in, but I am practicing.

I also like to think that all early 60's fender equipment is happy to be playing surf music again. After all, its the music it was meant to play.

KMan, unplug your PC. Really, you will not get good at guitar by posting on SG101. That is a fact. Get away from the computer. Go into another room without distractions. Play until your fingers bleed.

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Laughing kman, Ferenc is right. Please just practice. When I was learning to play the guitar I wasn't doing other things. All I did was play guitar all day long. I even played guitar while watching TV, and I still do. He'll I'm plucking away on the guitar right now as I type. Wink But seriously you got a new guitar today, If I bought a new guitar I doubt I would be doing anything else. What did I say earlier? Practice, practice, practice Whack

The Deadbeats


Dp can you show me the surf chord please?

I wanna play just like him when i grow up...

Dp can you show me the surf chord please?


ps: notice the lousy "thumb-over" special-surf-chord-technique...definitely improper form, and that, of course, is what surf is all about...

Last edited: Nov 28, 2008 22:05:24

Yup. That about covers it. Wink

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

When practicing, don't neglect your barre chords! Laughing


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