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Permalink Would this be feasible?

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I could suggest this to somebody else, but, well, frankly, there's no point suggesting things about SG101 to someone else.

OK, would this be feasible? How about a gruvr page or forum?

I think the problem might be that a point of reference and a small distance might be required.

I tried Pollo del Mar, but they don't often play within 999 miles of Denver. However, if they ever do, and they remember to post in on MySpace, I'll hear about it.

Just taking another whack at automatic comprehensive calendaring.

Incidentally, since I didn't notice a comment elsewhere, RIP SG101 MySpace site.

Last edited: Nov 05, 2008 12:57:00

Hmmm...if myspace provides an API and I get a list of surf bands that want to participate maybe I could apply the member map technology and do something similar. Thanks, I'll look into this a bit.

Incidentally, since I didn't notice a comment elsewhere, RIP SG101 MySpace site.

RIP? Good riddance! FREE, I'M FREE AT LAST! Laughing

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Free at last?????

I thought you said you had 5 pages of add requests?

I'm assuming that didn't happen in one day or even a week.
who much time was is really consuming?

Kristena said she wished you would have asked her to run it.

oh well, seemed like a hassle to you, so whatever.



Smile She could run it, but I'm just curious. What can MySpace possibly do for SG101?

The Deadbeats

Myspace wasn't for me, and I had no time for it. I asked you Jeff if you wanted to do it.

I might bring it back in the future or let someone else run it for the site.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I didnt want to do it,
but Kristena and Danny both said you should have asked them.


What can MySpace possibly do for SG101?

I always figured it was more of a signpost thing - a link - a symbol.

If its worked properly is can be a very good promotional tool.
to get people to come to the site,
and maybe to see news items and tour info
that they wouldn't see elsewhere.


WOW, Jeff sponsoring myspace?
That says a lot Brian

The Mighty Surf Lords- Sparks,Nv.
"Praise The Lords"

If you type "surf guitar" into google, we come out #1. I'm sure myspace could be used to promote the site further, but I don't have the time to do it.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

If you type "surf guitar" into google, we come out #1. I'm sure myspace could be used to promote the site further, but I don't have the time to do it.

That's a reasonable point. SG101 promotes itself pretty well passively - almost automatically - with the aid of indexing services. But a MySpace link to a SG101 friend is a sort of "look what I am into" sort of thing. It's really more of a case of SG101 extruding a bumpersticker into MySpace than of MySpace doing anything for SG101. But even a minimalist job of a MySpace site takes some effort, and it's boring and distracting if you're not into it. It sort of duplicates the overhead. Not unlike maintaining a band calendar and also updating entries on the SG101 calendar. Sooner or later you start missing some or all of one of them.

Letting it out to someone else is one solution, but you lose some control if someone does it for you, and you don't really escape the effort because if they're responsible they have to refer some things to you, plus, in case they aren't responsible, you have to look to make sure they're doing what you think or even doing anything at all.

A lower maintenance approach might be an icon and link, but this approach isn't well established in MySpace, though it's one aspect of the ring idea with Web sites. Or people put something like the Tcl/Tk feather in a web site somewhere to indicate that they used that and so on.

Of course that cedes all control of any sort, but you can't actually control that sort of thing short of policing it anyway. You hand out bumperstickers and they're bound to show up someplace you'd rather they hadn't sooner or later. If you don't hand them out, people sometimes make their own.

The Gruvr page took me to live music in Virginia Beach, was that just my computer or everyone else's?

I also like to think that all early 60's fender equipment is happy to be playing surf music again. After all, its the music it was meant to play.

Just yours.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF


Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

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