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Permalink Slaughter on 10th Avenue tab?

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Anyone have the tab to this? ive googled it a few times with no helpful results.


somebody made this thread a few weeks ago. Search for it. The chords were posted, and it told were to find tabs of the lead. But, I think they were Japanese Ventures books that are pricey on ebay.

Ive got it. Ill get it to you by tommorow (Sunday).
Ive got the studio version which I bought, but then I used that and figured out the Live in Japan 65 version which is better IMO.
Let me know which one you want.

which ever one is easier to get. thanks


which ever one is easier to get. thanks

Well ive got one on paper, the other is in my head. Ill just tab out the studio version and footnote the live version differences (theres not much difference really) Of course, the one on paper doesnt always accurately reflect Nokies fingerings but my version does so Ill combine them both.
Ive got to work all day so I cant do it till tommorow; I was gonna do this anyway and try and post it on the Tab Forum. (I couldnt find this Tab anywhere myself, so I had to buy a Tab book which is annoying; Its the freaking internet one shouldnt have to pay for info Exclamation )

I've been trying to figure this out from that live video for a while now. I kind of have the main idea, but missing a lot of the fancy notes. I don't have any of the key changes either. Any part of a tab would be an awesome help.

Can I have those tabs too

Did you watch the video on the front page?

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Might want to look at this recent post in the Fender Forum.

I can highly recommend Fred Sokolow's book, "Classis Rock Insrumentals" which has a great tab of this song.

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