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Permalink Dick Dale in Seattle

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It is good news he is playing Taco Wagon!! We just need to get a few more gems like that out of him.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I've seen him once, and he didn't say any of that gross stuff. He was flirting a little bit with all the young ladies in the front row, and at one point, he licked his pick and stuck it to my ex-girlfriend's forehead. I thought it would be kinda gross to get hit on by a guy who could be your grandfather, and to have old man spittle anywhere on your person, but she didn't seem to care.

This is one of the most confounding things about DD

Actually, Ferenc, I don't think so. The most confounding thing about DD is how he can come off as the most egotistical man in the world one minute, and then turn out to be one of the most generous men in the world another. I see that we have Linda from the Huntington Beach International Surfing Museum with us now (going under the name dragonfly). She has shared many stories of what Dick has done for her and her family, and the list is LONG. He has literally saved her life. I've heard of things like that from some other people. Dick can be incredibly kind and self-denying. I don't know how to reconcile the comments like the one above with things that I hear from Linda and others about him. I guess the only way to do so is to recognize that he is human and therefore inconsistent like the rest of us. BUT the difference is that Dick has such a huge personality and huge talent and has always lived his life supersized that his inconsistencies and contradictions are also much more obvious than for most of us smaller mortals. The man is truly an enigma, and I guess that's one of the reasons why we all continue to be so fascinated by him.


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This is one of the most confounding things about DD

The man is truly an enigma, and I guess that's one of the reasons why we all continue to be so fascinated by him. Ivan

That's why I said "ONE of the most..." I have heard Linda's stories, and I have heard stories from members of his band, and have witnessed a few things backstage myself. There was a fascinating article written a few years ago about how Dick had overcome so many personal difficulties- health, monetary, family- and rebounded. (Ivan, didn't you post a link to that story on the yahoo sg101?) They really don't seem like they could be generated by the same person.
2 cent psychoanalysis- it is the difference between Richard Monsour and the character of Dick Dale, perhaps the reason he always speaks of himself in the third person, Richard is talking about what Dick does. A Jekyll and Hyde thing...

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Off Topic I think.

My 2 cents...

2 weeks ago I didn't like DD. Yea I know what he stands for ie. legend in this genre an all, but in the past 2 weeks I've really tried listening more to his music, and cockey as he seems and is, I'm kinda diggin' his music more. The music. Maybe a 3rd of its groovin me. And I really didn't like him for like ever. So, from a 'noob' in the surf music loving world of which I now reside, thats my take.

And I've been thinking lately, how much a foundation in the history of this music that hes become, and how its going to affect the surf music community when hes gone. God will have His hands full that day Cool
I truely hope he meets Him.

I just sorta hate seeing the guy bashed. He is what he is an none of us can change that. Better than saying 'Man I wish DD would get off his ass an tour' ya know.

To perspect things a little bit, if Johnny Cash would lick a pick an stick it on my wifes head (yea I think he was 'classier' than that too, although at one time...) I'd think it was pretty wild, an not refer to him as Grand Dad or old man spittle lol. What would that pick mean to you now?

No need to burn me. Its a forum an were just talkin here. I'm amazed the guys touring. Hes just a guitar player man. Not God. If he happens upon this thread I'd think he'd wanna say the hell with it. An hes nowhere near what half these rock groups do an we love them. ie Van Halen..The Stones...The Doors..look what Morrison did an mention something bad about the Doors an whoa.

My point...were all on a street talking about someone else whos not here to stand up for himself. That ain't right. If he were he'd probrably kick most our butts lol.

This is the guy with reverb attatched to his name. Ease up man.

Rock on Dick. You are Surf Guitar 101. Pick grindin' an all.

The man is truly an enigma, and I guess that's one of the reasons why we all continue to be so fascinated by him.


Well said Ivan!

Chopper - please realize we all love the guy on some level...I mean we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him. Some of the people in this thread have seen him a dozen times, plus know his bandmates. If you have been to one of his shows it is likely you have witnessed some of these antics. I've seen the lick the pick thing a few times. My own belief is that DD just really enjoys playing for people and receiving the crowds feedback, and maybe he gets a little carried away sometimes (again owing to his "supersized" way of living life). I don't think he means any harm. He's up there having a ball.

We ran a little story here when the site first got started about his son getting injured. DD actually joined this site so that he could thank everyone who was thinking about Jimmy and his family. I don't think he has ever been back, but needless to say, my heart was positively POUNDING when I opened my email and saw a message from DD himself. OMG Shocked

I think you are doing the right thing by giving his music a listen. His music, especially the early stuff, says it all. The Wedge, Miserlou, The Victor, Taco Wagon, etc, etc, etc.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

lol...thanks Brian. Gotcha. Apologies if I come off wrong in type. Honest. I don't mean to.
Hey, the guy freaks me out lol. Just thought something positive was due said.
Lions an headbands an Nitro an Gold Glitter...too cool for school. The Beast! What a nut! In the best of ways man!
An yea the older stuff is whats really neat.
Like this...


Playin them girls ain't he Cool

I bet too your heart was poundin'. That was cool of him.


That's the clip from the movie "A Swingin' Affair" which we had a discussion about on the old Yahoo group. Nice to finally get to see it. Sounds like "Misirlou Twist" without the strings but the recording in the movie is 1½ minute shorter than on the "Surfers' Choice" album. The ending seems to be the same so they might just have edited out a portion of the song.

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Well, we have now heard how Dick treats his women, but here is another angle... what DD's music does to women, or atleast this particular woman:

And this one just made me laugh out loud- for those of you asking how to perfect your double picking technique:

Interesting to note that these clips are identified as the Pulp Fiction theme rather than Miserlou.


Buy Speed of Dark @ Bandcamp
Buy Spin the Bottle @ Bandcamp
My Blog- Euro Tour Blog
Pool Boys on Spotify
Frankie & The Pool Boys on FB
Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

I had forgotten about that 2nd one, those are both pretty funny.
Thanks for that Ferenc,



Yea that was funny, although the first one was my sister Shocked
*heads for kitchen to look for 'cool' blender mod Idea


Well, we have now heard how Dick treats his women, but here is another angle... what DD's music does to women, or atleast this particular woman:


Off Topic anyone notice that in the background she has a cage for some sort of small furry animal? makes you wonder.

also couldn't help noticing the "comments" people made. Remember me to keep my daughter away from youtube until she hits 30 Evil


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Off Topic anyone notice that in the background she has a cage for some sort of small furry animal? makes you wonder.

Wonder what? When we Americans will evolve and stop being Americans? Laughing Yes indeed, we call these small furry animals "pets". Dogs, Cats, Hamsters, Guinea Pigs, Rats, Mice... We imprison all kinds of small furry animals, giving them enough food and water to keep them alive beyond their usual natural lifespans. We often take them to the doctor when they become ill, so they will continue to live and endure their imprisonment even longer!! Oh by the way TONGUE PLANTED FIRMLY IN CHEEK YA'LL!!!!!!!!!!!

As to the comments about the girl, hey you raise the flag, and somebody is going to salute it! Her body, her choice...

I find that a lot of the "old boys" of rock, in fact any genre, who are still active in the business are somewhat dysfuntional. That many decades in the music industry has to take its toll. They all seem weird to me. I don't care. I understand.

I stumbled across this gem. Its worth watching just for the blonde doing the twist.

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