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SurfGuitar101 Podcast

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Welcome to the Surfguitar101 Podcast! The podcast started as an experiment just to see what it took to create a podcast. The reaction was very positive so hopefully we will start seeing new episodes on a semi-regular basis. You can download the podcast episodes here and we are also listed in iTunes.

Please discuss the podcasts in our Podcast forum. We'd love to hear your suggestions, and let us know if you would like to help in any way. We need producers, interviewers, artwork, etc. you name it. Thanks!

In addition to the forum, you can contact us by email at

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Hey iTunes users! Here is our listing in iTunes. Follow the previous link and then click the subscribe button to let iTunes automatically download episodes for you.

Sorry folks, the SG101 podcast is on hiatus. Fortunately there are several good Internet-based radio shows these days that more than take up the slack. We encourage you to check out North Sea Surf Music Radio and Fiberglass Jungle, just to name two.

Who knows what the future will bring, the podcast may return someday!

November 06, 2011 • Episode 13

New releases in 2011, part 1

Finally after a loooong break we're back with a brand spankin' new surf music podcast. This episode features songs from albums that have been released in this year 2011. It's been a stellar year for surf music releases as this podcast will prove. There have been so many albums released that we're going to finish the list with the next podcast. Also on this episode is an interview with Don Wilson and Bob Spalding of The Ventures. This interview was conducted earlier this year by Rich Derksen aka Pappa Surf - Thanks Rich!

Mana Pacifica – Tikiyaki Orch.
Talkin’ to the Trees – The Reefriders
Taken By the Sea – Voodoo Court
Tarnation Station – Terry Buffalo Ware
Belair – The Falcons
Theme to Mondo Cacti – Reverb Syndicate
Watching the Blood in the Bullseye –The Razorblades
Backwash – North of Malibu
Demonica – The Bahareebas
No Free Fez – Chum
Order of the Black Sun - The Mystery Men
The Ride of May Gray - Jaguar and the Savanas
Ventures Interview
Blue Avalanche – The Take Offs
Berlin Alexanderplatz – El Supernaut
Lava Tube – Lava Pups
Shleppin’ and Kvetchin’ – Meshugga Beach Party
Suppose The Doomsday Cults Were Right – Kill Baby Kill
Spooky – The Coffin Daggers
Beyond the Surf – Space Party
The Martyr – The Secret Samurai
Gooch in Space – The Deadbeats
Mobius Transformation – The TomorrowMen
The Whirling Dervish – The Aqualads
Staccatto Lane – The Sand Devils
Subway Surfin' - Terry Buffalo Ware

Background music are several songs from the new Tikiyaki Orchestra album Aloha Baby!


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