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Permalink A Virtual Online Internet Surf Band

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I've had this idea for a while now and thought I'd try it out with everyone.

SG101 has many great musicians (I'm not one of them and this isn't about me) who are unable to play in a band because they can't find a drummer or bass player who wants to be in a band, or other similar reasons.

How about forming a virtual surf band? I don't mean playing live together over the Internet, although that is really very interesting. I mean getting together a group of musicians who can play and record tracks in their own homes and have someone mix the tracks together.

Lots of records are already made this way. There are dozens (hundreds?) of musicians here, drummers, bass players, guitarists, trumpet players, a few sax players, recording engineers and so on who could do this. Believe me, if I were a little better I'd be all over this myself.

It could be called the SG101 Beach Party (Sorry MBP). What do you think?

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Last edited: Dec 30, 2012 09:16:42

Voodoo Court recorded their most recent album this way and I consider it one of the better surf releases of 2011.

I have been tinkering with the idea of doing this with Chris from The Alder Kings up in Chicago. However, I have a difficult enough time coming up with enough new material for my own band.

THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.

My guess is there's at least a few bandless or otherwise willing folks on here who have material ready to arrange for instrumentation, nearly ready or who at least have great bits and pieces that could be put together into new tunes.

If this works out, someday at a surf music festival the musicians who have only played together this way could get together on stage and play live for the first time. Wouldn't that be great?

killbabykill34 wrote:

Voodoo Court recorded their most recent album this way
and I consider it one of the better surf releases of

I have been tinkering with the idea of doing this with
Chris from The Alder Kings up in Chicago. However, I
have a difficult enough time coming up with enough new
material for my own band.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Hey Noel, if you need bass part, I can play them. I play guitar in my band but I'm willing to play more bass and that would be the occasion. Feel free to drop me an e-mail here : juclepak (at) gmail (dot) com or PM me.

Monkey Ju

Pirato Ketchup

Last edited: Jan 28, 2012 06:25:09

Thanks, Julien. I really appreciate that. Interestingly, so far only two musicians with bands have expressed interest in participating.

I'm hoping the many musicians on SG101 who used to have bands or are good enough to pull this off (I'm not, YET) will get involved.

With the mixing and editing software that's out now, mixing everyone's parts together shouldn't be any harder than if everyone recorded their own parts in the same studio. And with headphones and the Internet, at least two musicians can listen to each other while they separately record themselves.

Someone just needs to start.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

killbabykill34 wrote:

Voodoo Court recorded their most recent album this way

More or less. I flew to Asheville for a week to record the basic tracks but Mark then took his time in his studio crafting some really great guitar parts and redoing the bass parts.

A real virtual recording is something I would love to do. While in Asheville, I thought it would be a good idea going forward if he could send me a hard drive with guitar/bass parts recorded in his studio along with a regular CD of it for me to practice at home and I could then take that hard drive into a local studio and record the drum tracks in a few hours. Has anybody done that?

I'd be game. I'm a guitarist, but I also have a faux Bass VI.

Interested- Bass, guitar or mixing

Starting to roll along. This could be really great. How about calling everyone The Internet Surfers?

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Great idea. I guess the drummers here will be the busiest, 'cos (I think) most of the active users here are guitar oriented.
A drum track can really elevate or ruin a tune.
A great drum performance can make even a dull tune exciting and lively. And if the drummer isn't into Surf, or doesn't get it, then even a great tune can be lost.
So, drummers (and bassists too)- your participation could make this thing happen.

Don't forget how cool trumpets and saxophones can sound in surf music. I know there are trumpet and sax players here. Some may (or did) need a band.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Hey I'm interested in this too - I'm already involved in an instro recording project at the moment but would love to be a part of this as well. I can provide bass/keyboard tracks plus mixing (I've mixed tracks for a few non-surf bands).

Last edited: Jan 28, 2012 12:37:29

Noel wrote:

Starting to roll along. This could be really great. How
about calling everyone The Internet Surfers?

...or how about just "The iSurfers"? Wink

Noel wrote:

Don't forget how cool trumpets and saxophones can sound
in surf music. I know there are trumpet and sax players
here. Some may (or did) need a band.

I've got a feeling that all the horn players and drummers are already in three bands each.

The Wadadli Riders and I recorded an EP this way before my Antiguan tour with them, a couple of years ago. I did the guitars here in Canada, sent them the files, and they recorded their parts in the Caribbean. Lorenzo mixed it, had it mastered, and it was ready for the tour. What made it relatively seamless is that we both record using Logic.

There are plans in the works to do more of this in 2012. Stay tuned.


Canadian Surf

I can do the bass drum and ride cymbal if someone else can do the snare drum, cow bell, crash, high hat and, of course, the tom tom rolls.

Also, i have an ocarina... Big Grin
as well as a variety of keyboards, a piano, basses and guitars...

dp wrote:

I can do the bass drum and ride cymbal if someone else
can do the snare drum, cow bell, crash, high hat and,
of course, the tom tom rolls.

Did you loose a hand and a foot in a mysterious gardening accident?

So how's this concept progressing? I'm keen and can do geetars and keys, as long as the working files are garbageband compatible.

He who dies with the most tubes... wins

Surf Daddies

Theremin anyone? I only need *.wav files.

The Hicadoolas

SanchoPansen wrote:

Theremin anyone? I only need *.wav files.

I´ve got a theremin. Not a very skilled player though, far from. But I could give it a try.

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