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Permalink Get to know Los Venturas from Belgium

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Hey everybody,
Just wanted to turn some of you onto this band.
Not sure if any of you have heard of them.
Los Venturas,

They came to the USA and played in Ca. a few weeks after
the 1st SG101 convention
I was really impressed by them, and bought their 3 cds,
they have since released their 4th album, a LP,
not sure if there is a cd of it. But it comes with a download code
so you can put that on yer mp3 player.

It's looking like they will be here in Aug. of 2012 again.
and I hope we can give them a better welcoming than last time.


I got this from Green Cookie last year. Amazing release!

Ted James
Deep Eddy Records
The Nematoads

I definitely remember them from MySpace. I need to get busy and order some CDs!



Hi guys,

Check out this new videoclip we made for 'Theme from Lawrence of Arabia' it's one of the songs from our last LP Kaleydoskop. Hope you guys like it, we'll probably put it on our set for this summer.


thanks for posting Christoph,
that is one of the songs I Liked most from the LP.

Can people buy the download of the album if they don't want the LP?
Where should they go to get it that way?


Last edited: Mar 18, 2012 20:10:39

deepeddy wrote:

I got this from Green Cookie last year. Amazing release!

Thanks Eddy, great to hear you like our album.
Just to have an idea, did you order the Vinyl or just the download version and through which shop?

Hope to see you this summer, are you gonna go to SG101?



That Lawrence of Arabia song is pretty cool!

I just went and listended to the samples of Kaleydoskop on Green Cookie and I had to get it. Sounds like an awesome album! So I ordered it on vinyl. Cant wait to get it

For others interested in checking it out, go to Green Cookie Records and check it out.

bigtikidude wrote:

thanks for posting Christoph,
that is one of the songs I Liked most from the LP.

Can people buy the download of the album if they don't want the LP?
Where should they go to get it that way?

Yes, for $5.99 you can download the full album (14 tracks) at cdbaby.

It's also available on iTunes.

The vinyl + download card is about $18.00 and available on cdbaby (us) or Shiny Beast (Europe)

josheboy wrote:

That Lawrence of Arabia song is pretty cool!

I just went and listended to the samples of Kaleydoskop on Green Cookie and I had to get it. Sounds like an awesome album! So I ordered it on vinyl. Cant wait to get it

For others interested in checking it out, go to Green Cookie Records and check it out.

Thanks mate and enjoy it! Big Grin

Really looking forward to seeing Los Venturas this summer as I missed them the last time they were in California. I'll definitely be picking up Kaleydoskop. Christoph, you guys have an excellent website!

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

Their latest record reminds me of dirty Serge Gainsbourg songs.

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

WhorehayRFB wrote:

Their latest record reminds me of dirty Serge Gainsbourg songs.

in a good way, right?


bigtikidude wrote:

WhorehayRFB wrote:

Their latest record reminds me of dirty Serge Gainsbourg songs.

in a good way, right?

Oh yeah.

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

agreed, except the, Los Venturas definitely have more of an edge.


Haha merci beaucoup!
We like Gainsbourg a lot.


Chris, are there any plans to put this out on CD? I prefer the CD medium over donwload and/or vinyl.


Hi Bob,
Thanks for letting us know.

Maybe we check if a CD release would be worth it for this summer tour. Or maybe we can arrange a deal with one of the US labels, if so I'll let you know.

Any way, if you buy the Vinyl you'll find an extra sleeve where you can cut out a CD cover. So the only thing you have to do is to burn those mp3s and cut the sleeve Wink



RobbieReverb wrote:

Chris, are there any plans to put this out on CD? I prefer the CD medium over donwload and/or vinyl.



bigtikidude wrote:


Oh stop whining and get the vinyl!!!! Big Razz

I got this album a couple days ago and have listened to it all the way through a few times. There is some really good surfy and 60s instro tunes on here!

My favorite track is Revenge of the Tikis Pt II. Such an excellent tune!

Looking forward to seeing/hearing you guys in August Rock

Last edited: Mar 28, 2012 11:34:38

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