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Permalink Baja Marty Benefit Party, Sat. Oct. 8th,( bands announced) 8 bands, Torquays reunion and much more

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Hello All,

Well my Good buddy Baja Marty (Roadie for the Eliminators, and 30 plus years Surf fan) has Lymphoma, and its needed that I do a Benefit show for him, as he is in need of Money for Medical bills and assorted other costs that have come up.

But just know that Marty is a very special friend to the Surf Scene here in So. Cal. and everybody is gonna wanna play at this, and there will be some very special guests. and Amazing bands.
This will be something that if you can attend, you will not want to miss this show.

So this will also be 2 days before my 40th B-day.
If you don't know Marty, but want to come and help me celebrate my B-day also, that would be cool.
But I ask that nobody bring me gifts, and please donate to the Fund for my Best Buddy Baja Marty.

Please, keep an eye on this thread, and the Facebook for the event,
when its in stone(soon) and make plans to come for that show.
I thank you, as does Marty.

Here is the New and improved line up and Times

11am Point Doom
Noon High Tide w Paul Johnson, and Tom Stanton
1pm Tequila Worms
2pm The Eliminators
3pm The Sand Devils
4pm Slacktone
5pm The Torquays (reunion show)
6pm Outerwave

the Venue is the Starting Gate (where the SG101 convention is held)
5052 Katella Ave. Los Alamitos, Ca.90720
(562) 598-8957
Sat. Oct. 8th, 11 am to 7pm, $20 (all proceeds go to Marty)

Raffle tix for cds and t-shirts from bands playing, and donated from others not playing.
2 dollars each, or 3 tix for 5 dollars.

here is the Facebook link for the event:

If you Can't make the show.....
Here is the link to donate to Marty.
Let me know if you have any problems.





Last edited: Sep 22, 2011 12:03:54

Shaping up to be a stellar line up.
Wanna post now, but I gotta wait for confirmations.

But the Venue is the Starting Gate (where the SG101 convention is held)
Sat. Oct. 8th, 11 am to 7pm,


Last edited: Aug 31, 2011 23:09:23

I'm there. For my brother!!

Jeff Utterback

Trying to move some things around so i can be there.

11am Point Doom
Noon High Tide w Paul Johnson, and Tom Stanton
1pm Tequila Worms
2pm The Eliminators
3pm The Sand Devils
4pm Slacktone
5pm The Torquays (reunion show)
6pm Outerwave


Last edited: Sep 20, 2011 23:42:22

You RULE, Jeff! Unfortunately, I hafta be on the East Coast when this takes place. Lemme know details on where to send a check to contribute.



Sorry to hear that Bob,
If we do some sort of fund account, I will post it here.


a few changes, and still waiting for one more confirmation.

The Eliminators,
Sand Devils,
The Torquays (reunion show)
Point Doom,
Tequila Worms,
High Tide w Paul Johnson, and Tom Stanton


Last edited: Sep 16, 2011 00:33:36

I know this is an awesome cause, but do we need 2 threads for this? This causes confusion... people don't know which to post to. Perhaps as things get finalized we can create a front page news story that points to one of these threads.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I wont bump the one in General discussion anymore,
but can you leave it there, and lock it?


The Eliminators,
Sand Devils,
The Torquays (reunion show)
High Tide w Paul Johnson, and Tom Stanton
Point Doom,
Tequila Worms,


Last edited: Sep 16, 2011 00:34:03

exact running order locked in yet?


No, working on that soon.


New and Improved set times for the Bands

11am Point Doom
Noon High Tide w Paul Johnson, and Tom Stanton
1pm Tequila Worms
2pm The Eliminators
3pm The Sand Devils
4pm Slacktone
5pm The Torquays (reunion show)
6pm Outerwave

the Venue is the Starting Gate (where the SG101 convention is held)
5052 Katella Ave. Los Alamitos, Ca.90720 (562) 598-8957
Sat. Oct. 8th, 11 am to 7pm, $20 (all proceeds go to Marty)

Raffle tix for cds and t-shirts from bands playing, and donated from others not playing.
2 dollars each, or 3 tix for 5 dollars.


Last edited: Sep 20, 2011 23:43:42

count me in

here is the Facebook link for the event:


Joining High Tide for this show will be Paul Johnson of the Bel Airs,
and added today, Tom Stanton of the Crossfires,

High Tide is
Billy Blast Off Rhythm Guitar,
Jonpaul Balak Bass
Jeff Utterback Drums

Billy is in Banned from the Beach,Men Of Mystery,and Ex Detonators
Jonpaul is in The Insect Surfers,Tikiyaki Orchestra,ex Boardwalkers
Jeff is in Casino 66, and has been in about 20 surf bands


Last edited: Sep 16, 2011 00:31:08

flyer coming soon.


here is the poster for the Benefit show,
Idea by Marty, sketched by me, sent via email to Jonpaul,
and Image made by Jonpaul Balak, Thanks Brutha!!





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