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SurfGuitar101 Forums » The Shallow End »

Permalink New member from sort of near Philly

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Hello everyone,

Please call me Noel. Might as well; it's my name. Most of this is in my user profile, but it doesn't look like I'll meet anyone if I wait for people to look at that.

My dad gave me my first guitar. It was a brand new 1963 Harmony 1215 Archtone. I still have that guitar. The guitar had these horrid finger-cutting strings (I thought) and I had no idea what I wanted to play. My guitar teacher tried to have me learn Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. If I'd known how Buddy Guy would perform Mary Had a Little Lamb, I wouldn't have quit. I'd have forty-eight years of guitar playing behind me by now if I'd never quit.

Fast forward forty-six years. My son is learning to play drums and I'm hanging around a music store while he takes lessons. Looking at walls of guitars. Do you know guitars call out to you? They say, play me. Buy me. What else could I do? Now I'm taking guitar lessons again, this time for real. In order to have something to play with my son, I buy an electric guitar. An early seventies Les Paul copy with matched vintage '59 Duncans. I learned Wipeout. That was inspired. My wife said something else.

I was bit by the surf guitar bug, big time, but I discovered I just can't create proper dives and waves without a whammy bar. I can wobble the strings I'm fingering just fine, but not the others, and it makes just those notes go sharp, not the rest. Since a whammy bar makes all the notes dive at once, it really doesn't sound the same. So, I try out several more guitars and end up with an apparently unused 2001 MIM black Stratocaster. Next up is a Fender Stage 112 SE with a nice big spring reverb tank. Maybe not big enough though.

I've made my family watch every beach and surf movie ever made. Three times! Each summer!

Here's the thing. They say you can only play what you hear. I hear surf music. It's the music I liked best when I was a kid. So far, I play it better than anything else I'm currently learning or practicing. I'm starting with the simpler tunes (Walk, Don't Run is coming along) and I'm relearning Pipeline the way Dick Dale plays it with SRV in Back to the Beach. Wish me luck with that project. I hope to work my up to the harder ones as I get better. I'll leave Nitro for later, a lot later. If I live that long. Waaaaay longer. If I aim high, I'll get closer than if I aim low.

I found this site while looking for a pedal to create the massive reverberating wave of sound that Dick Dale and SRV created for that version of Pipeline that I'm learning. The Pipeline is a wall of water and noise crashing down, and the song should have that effect on the audience; of being surrounded by the roaring sound of the wave crashing down all around.

I am totally open to tips here. Neither my guitar teacher (a great jazz guitarist) nor the owner of the guitar shop (plays amazing southern rock and blues) have a real feel for surf, and are of limited help with this, even with ninety yeasrs of guitar playing between them.

I like it here already. Life is good. Long live Dick Dale, Bruce Brown, the Chantays and Annette. Surf's up!

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Welcome Noel. My son and his family are relocating to Mechanicsburg when he gets back from the Middle East. I'll look you up when we visit them.

elreydlp wrote:

Welcome Noel. My son and his family are relocating to
Mechanicsburg when he gets back from the Middle East.
I'll look you up when we visit them.

Please do. And, if I understand correctly, thank your son on behalf of myself and my family for his service.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Great to have you here Noel! A few people have good luck with reverb pedals, but most people here use a standalone reverb unit, usually by Fender but there are also many other brands available. Used reissue units are usually available for about $350; vintage and some handwired boutique versions can go for twice that. Use the search function at the top of the page to find more info than you'll ever need.

Noel wrote:

elreydlp wrote:

Welcome Noel. My son and his family are relocating
Mechanicsburg when he gets back from the Middle
I'll look you up when we visit them.

Please do. And, if I understand correctly, thank your
son on behalf of myself and my family for his service.

Thank you Noel. He's a LCDR in the Navy detached to Central Command in an undisclosed Middle East Location. He comes back in October after serving a year. Mechanicsburg will be nice.

Welcome!!! Don't think you're the only one.......I started when I was 39. Still slowly coming about. I'm the same way....almost all I listen to is surf. Good luck finding anyone into's hard to do. Luckily, my instructor was open minded and listened to a little bit of it. Now if I could just work our schedules out!!!!

Still....nothing like jamming along to a cd.


"You're done, once you're a surfer you're done. You're in. It's like the mob or something. You're not getting out." - Kelly Slater

The Luau Cinders

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