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Permalink Save the Date: Feb 5th Big Benefit show for Eddie Bertrand

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Hey Everybody.

Doing a Big Benefit show to raise money for Eddie Bertrand.
He's had a couple falls and broken his hips.
And he is on Hard times.
So Tim(HB Kahuna) and I are puttin together
a big show of Love for Eddie.

if you can't make the show,
and want to Donate to a fund for Eddie,
see here:

Here is the link to the Eddie Benefit Facebook Page.

Here is the Line up for the Big Show.
and times they will be playing

2pm to 2:40 pm
The Men of Mystery
2:50 to 3:30
The Riptides
3:45 to 4:25
Bel Airs Reunion/tribute set
4:30 to 5:00
Eddie & the Showmen tribute set
5:10 to 5:50
Secret Samurai
6 to 6:40
6:45 to 7:00
7:00 to 7:55
8:10 to 9:00
The Eliminators
9:15 to 10:00
The Insect Surfers

end show

An all star band will be playing songs of the Bel Airs and Eddie & the Showmen.
Feat. John Blair, Paul Johnson, Tim Fitzpatrick, John Benton, Jim Frias,
and Matt Quilter.
and possibly some other legends.
Jimmy Roberts, Dick Dodd, and Art Fisher will be playing in the Tribute,
reunion set.

It will be at Don the Beachcomber
in Sunset Beach Ca.
16278 Pacific Coast Highway
Huntington Beach, CA 92649
(562) 592-1321
on Sat. Feb. 5th.
and will go from 2 pm to 10 pm.
in the Back, High Chiefs Room, and Hidden Village
with many cool raffle items.

make plans now.
you won't want to miss this.
and if you really Can't make it.
we will probably have a site, or paypal account where you can donate to Eddie from afar.
But Please try to make it if you can.

if you want to do a Tribute show in your area,
and send the funds to Eddie, that would be excellent.
Or if you want to send some merch from your band for the raffle.
That would be great too.

Please send me a PM or e-mail at

thanks everyone.


Check out this weeks Radio Free Bakersfield show.
I played a few songs by the Bel Airs, and Eddie and the Showmen,
then all of the bands that are playing at the Benefit show.
thanks Jeff(btd)

RFB 213--Eddiepalooza!

bel airs--mr. moto; orange county
bel airs--kamikaze; orange county
bel airs--volcanic action; orange county
eddie & the showmen--squad car; orange county
eddie & the showmen--scratch; orange county
eddie & the showmen--border town; orange county
eliminators--el borracho; huntington beach
insect surfers--diamondback; los angeles
secret samurai--truth trance; san diego
outerwave--midnight at mazatlan; huntington beach
riptides--paseo del mar; redondo beach
no link! get it together, dudes!
slacktone--blast bolero; los angeles
men of mystery--the savage; northridge
eddie & the showmen--toes on the nose; orange county
nocturnes--3rd star to the left; orange county
lively ones--surf rider; orange county
jon & the nightriders--the breeze & I; riverside
reventlos--el pendejo; costa mesa
eddie & the showmen--dark eyes; orange county

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.


Last edited: Feb 01, 2011 14:53:39

I'm giving this serious consideration - I'm almost positive I'm going to go. Seriously.

BTD and HBK, let me know if there is anything you might need help with, from the frozen foothills of CO.

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

that's very cool Chris.

can you bring 200 or more surf fans with ya?


For those that missed it her is Eddie tearing it up backed by The Eliminators in 2008. This event will be epic and is not to be missed.

Ok here is the Line up for the Big Show.

not in order of apperence

The Riptides (south bay band) not Jason Lee and the RIP tides.
The Eliminators,
The Insect Surfers,
Secret Samurai,
The Men Of Mystery,

and an All Star Jam,
doing songs of the Bel-Airs,
and Eddie and the Showmen,

Feat. John Blair, Paul Johnson, Tim Fitzpatrick, John Benton, Jim Frias,
and Matt Quilter.
and possibly some other legends.


Awesome Jeff-and for a REALLY good cause!
I may even be able to get La Reya to come along for this one!

Should be a great show for a good cause!
An amazing amount of Surf Talent, gathered together to perform in a very cool venue!


  • Surfbeatnik

NICE POSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great poster Duff!

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

thanks soooo much to Duff for doing this poster for the event.
You Rule Duff!!



thanks soooo much to Duff for doing this poster for the event.

My pleasure, Jeff....I do what I can, when I can....

  • Surfbeatnik

Nice poster. This is going in the twitter feed.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

when I saw that you replied Brian,
I thought you were gonna say, you were coming out for the show.



I'd really like to.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
Need help with the site? SG101 FAQ - Send me a private message - Email me

"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Not only did Duff, do the poster for the event.
he has offered some Torquays CDs for the charity raffle.
John Blair is going to give a copy of his 4th Edition of the
Illustrated Discography of Surf Music.
thanks Guys.

and then
I got a PM today from Seafoam Johnny saying he would like to donate this guitar to the raffle for the Eddie Bertrand Benefit show.

thanks a Million Johnny.
you Rule!!




Last edited: Dec 09, 2010 23:06:15

I got a PM today from Seafoam Johnny saying he would like to donate this guitar to the raffle for the Eddie Bertrand Benefit show.

thanks a Million Johnny.
you Rule!!



want to Donate to a fund for Eddie,
see here:


Here is the link to the Eddie Benefit Facebook Page.

and while there you can go to the FBML page,
to donate to his Fund.

thanks everybody.





I just made airline arrangements -

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

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