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Permalink Surfer Joe Summer Festival 2011

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Here we are again with the Surfer Joe Summer Festival.
It seems it is happening again, still in Tuscany but evaluating new locations at the moment. I am trying to get this defined asap to start working properly. Period will be end of June.

News compared to last year: probably less exhibitors; still the same attention to the sound and the stage but I want it nicer; Fender, Mapex, SWR are still in as backline suppliers; some answers from a sponsors which I hope will be the main one.

Bands: have a few already in the list, but still have to decide the headliners. You are free to write me anytime. Please consider that bringing bands just for the festival will be hard and/or impossible. I might consider getting bands that are already touring in Europe.

Timing: hopefully by the end of October I will have location almost set, the first sponsor and the graphics of the poster, together with a new version of

Nothing more for now or cannot say more. I hope some of you will fly to Italy for a vacation and sincerely hope for news about SOTS. We need the video out asap, before the summer, to promote Surfer Joe's, SG101 and the other surf events.

Give me feedbacks and ideas!


Lorenzo "Surfer Joe" Valdambrini

I'm saving up now to go next year. Definitely going to have sots ready long before the fest. THIS TIME we schedule extra days to enjoy EU.

Lorenzo, the festival website is reporting missing pages and html code stuff shows up. Confused Say hi to the beautiful one for us.

Sound of the Surf, the movie
Facebook SOTS

Great Tom, thanks for the first comment!!!

On all my computers the site loads ok. I'm working on it but at this moment it should be showing alright.
Are you checking the root of ? There are no festival subpages anymore...

GREAT GREAT & again GREAT for SOTS. John told me something and I'm happy about this! Ready to buy and sell lots of copies!

Lorenzo "Surfer Joe" Valdambrini

yes, I was looking at .../festival

thanks, t

Sound of the Surf, the movie
Facebook SOTS

That's great news, Lorenzo ! If you can make it happen somewhere right on the beach/shore, that would be cool. 2010 was great, I'll be there in 2011.

Maybe, the Space Cossacks can make it next year ? Smile I'd love to see the Kilaueas and the german King Kongs there again.

That's great news, Lorenzo ! If you can make it happen somewhere right on the beach/shore, that would be cool. 2010 was great, I'll be there in 2011.

Maybe, the Space Cossacks can make it next year ? Smile I'd love to see the Kilaueas and the german King Kongs there again.

What great bands Kilaueas and King Kongs, I enjoyed them a lot! I have not been speaking with Ralf Kilauea in a while, hope to see him next summer!

Oh, yes, the beach... i'm working on it... Smile no, seriously.

Lorenzo "Surfer Joe" Valdambrini

as soon as you have dates DEFINITELY 100% locked down, I will book my flights

can't wait!!!


I'll be there!!

Thank you so much! Its meaning a lot to us! We also had some of the greatest time ever in Livorno and did love to be there again!

BTW. We have recorded some new demo songs. You can listen to them on our myspace page.

Aloha, King Kongs

The best surf festival, heck, the best music festival in the world!


Canadian Surf

I'll be there!!

I count on this!!!!

Lorenzo "Surfer Joe" Valdambrini

The best surf festival, heck, the best music festival in the world!


I thought it is the best fest in the Galaxy... Smile

Lorenzo "Surfer Joe" Valdambrini


The best surf festival, heck, the best music festival in the world!


I thought it is the best fest in the Galaxy... Smile

Or, indeed, the Universe!!

Los Fantasticos

I had a great time at 2010. Hope you can keep it outdoors!

My dream request would be Man or Astroman, and I'd love to see El Ray again.

I had a great time at 2010. Hope you can keep it outdoors!

My dream request would be Man or Astroman, and I'd love to see El Ray again.

I have a very very good friend who has been dreaming to see Man or Astroman? since I know him. I see it quit hard though. El Ray, I'd love to see the guys soon too.

It has always been outdoor... ??? what festival have you seen Very Happy ?

Lorenzo "Surfer Joe" Valdambrini

i could have sworn that i've seen a bunch of outdoor videos from previous years. what have i been watching?
btdoags on facebook

whooooooooops, never mind. i misread that! anyway, i finally saw MoAM? for the first time in march and i agree, that would be awesome.
btdoags on facebook

I have almost finished the new web site for Surfer Joe Music. The responses I had from regarding the new location are good, but I need to trust the "situation" a bit more.

The location should be on the sea, working together with a new big surf event, not much a contest but a brands showcase. Let's called it "a big basket" full of potential new sponsors... I'm keeping my fingers very much crossed!

Hopefully we will have some more details very soon.
Anyway, I'm getting suggestions for bands. Oh man, I'd like to see so many bands at the fest!!!

I will do what I can.

Lorenzo "Surfer Joe" Valdambrini

Hey, Brian, what is going on??? Very Happy

I posted about the new version of and the message disappeared...

Check it, register with the mailing list, send me suggestions and come to the SJSF2011.
I pay the flight ticket for all of you (if you help winning the lottery).


Lorenzo "Surfer Joe" Valdambrini

I finally got some news this morning for the confirmation of the location. I'm trying to define if everything is alright now. I hope so...
Many interesting bands to the next festival.

The draft of the new poster is published on, check it out and see if Fred Lammers has done a good job, once again!

Lorenzo "Surfer Joe" Valdambrini

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