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Permalink Link Wray Backing Track - Jack the Ripper

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I have been all over the web looking for a Jack the Ripper backing track to no avail. I have seen guys on youtube with Wray backing tracks. None of those folks will reply to me. Does anyone out there have a Jack the Ripper backing track?

Guitar Pro 6 has really improved the sound engines (RSE). So, you can input the chords for the song and add a drum track (and a host of other options). Then, you export as a .wav file. If you have Audacity, you can convert that to .mp3 if you like. What you end up with is a pretty decent backing track for practice.


I kind of blown away there are no existing Wray backing tracks. I'll put that on the list of things to create.

I could probably make one for you from some studio recordings if you want. I'll poke around some files and get back to you.


That would be great. I think Link Wray backing tracks would be great to have but I also think they should be out on the intrewebs for all the guitarists out there that are looking at different styles. Link is a link to surf, 50's rock and more. I think BT tracks are an important thing to have out there.

Really love this song.. never got into wray much til recently and it blows my mind to think of the other things that were out at the time he put out his stuff, just monstrous...

P.S. love this version..

I wanna play just like him when i grow up...

It's a pretty easy song to play, why not just play along to the recording?

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

That's no fun and there are different places I travel were 8 surf backing tracks could come in handy. I'd like to have all of links hits as backing tracks - Rawhide, Rumble, Jack the Ripper, Ace of Spades.

pm me your email and I can send you bass and drums for Jack the Ripper

I've never found many Link Wray backing tracks, or one for "Jack the Ripper", but if you're looking for 8-10 good "surf guitar" backing tracks, the following sites have good selections. Start with UB Hank Vol. 4 which has very good backing tracks for Pipeling, Walk Don't Run, Wipe Out, Diamonds, The Cruel Sea, Wheels, and Rebel Rouser. Not quite the same as the "orginal", but I think some are as good or better. Shadows Workout No. 11+ has good versions of Wahine, and Diamond Head. Tabs are also available.

And the Goran Tangrine website has free stuff.

Leo's Den




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