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thanks for sharing that!


Cecilia Ann

Unknown vocal

Another vocal (Beach Bunny?)

Pearl Divin'


California Sun (I had no idea they played this!)

La Bruta


As the Dark Wave Swells

Bombora (Original Surfaris)



Great stuff!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Last edited: Nov 16, 2009 07:50:18

thanks for pointing this out Danny,
and Thanks to Brian for post all the links for all the songs.

I have been listening to Dumb Loud Hollow Twang deluxe the last few days.


Slightly topic-peripheral - these guys have a cover of Wanganui. Surprised more people don't:

I really appreciate all the links in this thread!

Brian. 8th ??? down is "La Bruta". I know this from the Hawaii Samurai The Octopus Incident CD.

Unknown Vocal: Sounds like "Her Delta's blues" (?) from "Play out of tune" although i think he called it "Morning Wreck" at the beginning.

New Bambi Molesters TV footage.

Hopefully Ivan will translate Wink please, pretty please.

Cool--thanks for linking the new footage. Wish there was more from the REM opening snippets. Notice they credit Lada "Lana"---well, a rose by any other name . . . sigh.

Geez I wish I could see this band live.
I could die happy then.


Someone posted live footage of them playing this song:

Thanks for postnig that.. i love their slower moody stuff.. has a kinda twin peaks feel to it.. I listen to 13 fromt he hip probably 5 times a week right now.. just great stuff, hope they keep pumping out more:)

P.S. they sound great in those vids.. but man they look bored outa their minds:(

I wanna play just like him when i grow up...

New Bambi Molesters TV footage.

Hopefully Ivan will translate Wink please, pretty please.

(It's hard for me to understand the Serbian host in certain spots, I'm not used to the Serbian accent and certain words, so I'll do what i can.)

Belgrade, Serbia - TV show "The First Plan"

Host: Of all the rock bands from the former Yugoslavia, in addition to the Slovenian band Laibach and the Novi Sad band Obojni Program (? Military Program?) and a few others, the group the Bambi Molesters, who hail from Croatia, have had a very respectable international musical career. We talked with them after their show in the Belgrade club Living Room.

Q: Is there some kind of ??? that exists right now?

Lada: Actually, yes. We are currently working on a new album, which will be out in January. We took two years off from playing live, but now we're slowly getting back into it. One reason is that we missed playing live, and the other reason is a pragmatic one that we wanted to try out the new material in front of a live audience before we go in the studio to record it, which we're doing next week.

Q: It's interesting how instrumental bands come up with the names for the songs. What .... ???

Lada: Yes, it's difficult. For some of the songs we're working on right now, we still don't have names, maybe just working titles. But it's the atmosphere of the song that dictates the name.

Q: Who's primarily in charge of writing the music?

Dalibor: There's no person that's 'in charge', that has an obligation or an assigned role. I've done most of it, and Dinko and I have worked on some songs together, also, and now on some songs the whole band is working together. There isn't someone that's in charge in particular. It happened that I did most of the work.

Q: It's difficult for the band's from this region to have an international career. You and a few other bands have succeeded at it. How did you do it?

Lada: I think it's due to first, of course, the quality, second, persistence, and then only third, the fact that we don't have vocals. Bands that want to break through internationally have to write lyrics in English, which is not their mother tongue and therefore they may not be very good at it. We didn't have that problem, not necessarily by design, but simply by writing instrumental music. The few vocals we do are all covers that fit into this whole garage, surf, sixties thing we do.

Q: How has it been working with foreign musicians, especially the bigger names?

Dalibor: It's not so easy to define a bigger name. We have worked with Peter Buck of REM and Scott McCaughey, who's worked with REM. We've also worked with Chris Eckman. He's producing our new album. Chris plays with Green On Red. We know a few of those people, so we use them when we think they would fit into a song, play a part that would suit their style. It's not necessary that a person be a big name from a big band. It was just a chance that we got to know the REM guys a bit.

Q: Tell me about the new album.

Dalibor: The first part has been recorded, and we're going to finish the second part next week. It'll be mixed in December, and released in January, on Dancing Bear in Croatia, and on the German label Glitter House in the rest of Europe. There'll be everything on the album, from garage to... a bit of symphonic orchestra. So, there'll be everything! We're really excited about it. We'll release the album, we'll promote it heavily and maybe we can come back to Belgrade then.

Lada: Or to Novi Sad...

Dalibor: Or to Novi Sad, if someone invites us.

Lada: We haven't played there yet.

Dalibor: But we would...

Lada: Yes, we would.

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Thanks Ivan!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Ivan, thanks millions Smile

Thank you Ivan,


thx for translation

a friend of me played a role in the film road to nod.


I just wanted to point out that the Bambis played their 15th anniversary show earlier tonight in their hometown of Sisak, Croatia (close to Zagreb). Think about that: fifteenth anniversary! Wow.

Well, happy birthday, the Bambi Molesters, and here's to at least another 15 glorious years! May the new album become HUGE everywhere!

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

From the Bambi Molesters website:

New album „As the Dark Wave Swells“ soon to be released! 11 fabulous new songs ready to take you on another Bambi Molesters road trip. The album, produced by Chris Eckman, was recorded during spring and autumn 2009 in Zagreb.
It will be released by Dancing Bear in Croatia. Release date February 7th!Glitterhouse Records is releasing the album in Europe in spring 2010.



Ivan, thanks for the translation. I'm glad to hear the band is working on new material--can't wait to hear it.

"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

Havent been here a while so apologies if its old news.
Heard from my croatian friend today the album comes out
february 4th


Nice, thanks

looks so much better than the many Jpeg cd covers that have been coming out lately.
Shocked Rolling Eyes


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