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Dirty Fuse 2014
Dirty Fuse 2014

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S3 Babydoll T-Shirt


Hey it's about time we have another contest isn't it?

Here we have an official bit of Penetrator's loot, an S3 t-shirt, in the XL babydoll size & style. This shirt has shrank a little bit, and is probably equivalent to a ladies small size. It has never been worn and is in like new condition. Did I mention it is small? And cut for the ladies? Good luck!

Hey band members! If you have something you'd like to give away as an SG101 contest, please contact Brian. Thanks!

Contest Dates

This contest ran from December 19, 2013 to January 02, 2014.

Contest Winners

The winner of this contest, selected on Thursday, January 02, 2014, is:

Congratulations to the winner!

This contest has 0 comments.

Comments are closed for this contest. If you'd like to share your thoughts on this contest with the site staff, you can contact us directly.