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Starting Surf Tune

tammibrad - 20 Apr 2002 19:39:42

Hey Anyone,
I'm just starting out with this surf stuff, (gotta '97 California Strat
w/orig. TexMex in neck, an SD Antiquity in the middle and an SD Custom Bridge
Antiquity in bridge pos.).
So what's a good basic song to learn to get into the genre?? I've been
playing for a long time, but preferably something pretty easy to begin with
as well...Thanks!!


Robb Lowe (robbhatesit) - 20 Apr 2002 23:30:01

I'm gonna throw my 2 cents in here..... you've already got the hardware (put
some roundwound .012's on that Strat first, or at least .011's nickel)
If I had it to do over again, I would learn it the way it happened -
meaning, start off with the earliest Ventures record you can find (Walk Dont
Run would be my choice) and dig on a couple of those tunes. Simple, straight
ahead stuff that gets you in the right frame of mind for the more
complicated surf stuff. Go from here to "Pipeline", master the rhythm and
the 'tuk-a-tuk-a-tuk-a' glissando slide (you'll need it a bunch in the
future). Learn this well, it is the holy grail of surf tunes.
Surf by nature is not the most complicated music at first glance, but - to
get it right, it takes a little more than learning an A minor chord.
First song I'd work on for timing and sense of space in surf music - "Surf
Rider" by the Lively Ones. This tune is on a zillion cd's now, not to
mention winMX (the last great file sharing app). Yes it is an easy lick to
finger, but the repetition, timing and nuances of it require a little
effort. The next song in this vein would be "Baja" since it's a bit more
complicated but headed in the same direction.
Then I would move on to the double picking stuff.. Start off with
"Miserlou". It's the king of surf tunes and it is only one string (at at
time least ways.). This will get your wrist and arm action going for ya.
Move onto "Squad Car" if you're feeling cocky, or even deeper, "The Jester".
Congratulations, you've graduated surf guitar 101.
Surf Guitar 202 will be listening to the genre defining bands (think Belairs
= Mr. Moto, Dick Dale = anything 61-62 era, Eddie Bertrand = Squad Car,
etc.), and the things to listen for in the keepers of the flame (Los
Straitjackets = Calhoun Surf, Penetrators = Redline, Jon & The Nightriders
or The Elminators = anything, and the list goes on and on..). Once you've
got the licks and the tones, you're ready to make waves of your own.
'least thats how I see it,
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2002 8:39 PM
Subject: [SurfGuitar101] Starting Surf Tune
> Hey Anyone,
> I'm just starting out with this surf stuff, (gotta '97 California Strat
> w/orig. TexMex in neck, an SD Antiquity in the middle and an SD Custom
> Antiquity in bridge pos.).
> So what's a good basic song to learn to get into the genre?? I've been
> playing for a long time, but preferably something pretty easy to begin
> as well...Thanks!!
> -Brad


Fred Pleasant (fredpleasant) - 20 Apr 2002 23:32:40

I think Pipeline is as basic as it gets. Then
Misirlou is pretty easy, the tremelo picking isn't as
hard is it sounds. Walk Don't Run is a little more
complex, but it's still pretty easy to play. I say
start with those. It gives you the variety of the
genre and they're all fun.
--- wrote:
> Hey Anyone,
> I'm just starting out with this surf stuff, (gotta
> '97 California Strat
> w/orig. TexMex in neck, an SD Antiquity in the
> middle and an SD Custom Bridge
> Antiquity in bridge pos.).
> So what's a good basic song to learn to get into the
> genre?? I've been
> playing for a long time, but preferably something
> pretty easy to begin with
> as well...Thanks!!
> -Brad
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Brian Neal (xarxas) - 21 Apr 2002 11:06:09

Of course, another one is Wipeout. I think that is far easier to play than
Pipeline or Walk Don't Run, although if you are a total beginner it is kind
of hard at first to work up to speed.
Some Ventures songs are quite cool to learn as previously mentioned (the
Ventures must have started 100's of thousands of people to pick up the
guitar): Journey to the Stars and Joker's Wild (I learned these via Man or
Some of the groups that influenced the 1st wave surf bands are also good to
start with. Like the Revels with Intoxica. Super simple song but fun to
Another good one to practice double picking to is The Orignal Surfaris'
Bombora. Maybe a bit easier to play than Misirlou. And their song "Surfari".
Another song in the Surf Guitar 202 category is Surf Party. I have always
wanted to learn that one, and the Nebulas recent cover has a cool
arrangement. So I have started on that. The melody is a bit more complex and
you have to know it cold to play it as fast as the Nebulas do. It also has a
classic surf-style double stop "chorus"; another idiom for the 1st wave surf
tunes. And fun as hell to play. I'll post some tab when I get through it.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Fred Pleasant [mailto:]
> Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2002 11:33 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [SurfGuitar101] Starting Surf Tune
> I think Pipeline is as basic as it gets. Then
> Misirlou is pretty easy, the tremelo picking isn't as
> hard is it sounds. Walk Don't Run is a little more
> complex, but it's still pretty easy to play. I say
> start with those. It gives you the variety of the
> genre and they're all fun.
> --- wrote:
> > Hey Anyone,
> >
> > I'm just starting out with this surf stuff, (gotta
> > '97 California Strat
> > w/orig. TexMex in neck, an SD Antiquity in the
> > middle and an SD Custom Bridge
> > Antiquity in bridge pos.).
> >
> > So what's a good basic song to learn to get into the
> > genre?? I've been
> > playing for a long time, but preferably something
> > pretty easy to begin with
> > as well...Thanks!!
> >
> > -Brad
> >
