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Cybertwin; was Re: Yet another new member . . .

Brian Neal (xarxas) - 10 Nov 2001 10:27:42

--- In SurfGuitar101@y..., "Dick Messick" <rmessick2@m...> wrote:
> Brian, thanks for setting up a great group! I recognize many of
> names from the FDP (where I occasionally appear as surfnut) and
> elsewhere - we are in good company!
Thanks Dick and welcome! How do you like your Cyber-Twin? I haven't
tried one yet. Is it worth the hype?


Dick Messick (flatwound01) - 10 Nov 2001 12:14:14

As you know from the FDP, there's lots of hype and passionate
exchanges for/against the Cybertwin . . . I've had mine for almost 6
months now, so my opinions are pretty well formed :)
Here's my take: the Cybertwin is a great amp for someone who needs
to play a variety of styles, or can't decide what type of music they
want to play (that's me!) - it also eliminates the need for lots of
stomp boxes, etc. I don't gig, so I'm not a good person to address
the "it's not a tube amp and doesn't sound like one" issue - it
sounds *great* in my basement, though! Basically, I think it comes
down to what sounds good to the person playing through it - I like
it, others might not.
The presets are not the greatest, either. They really don't bring
out the best possible sounds that the Cybertwin can offer. You have
to invest some time and read the directions, and then tweak the
controls a bit. The investment pays off, though, since you get a
good idea of what needs to be changed in any given pre-set or amp
setting you plug in to it. Some are turned off by the lack of "plug
and play" capabilities, but I like playing around with electronic
stuff! Once you get your pre-set dialed in, you're all set.
My biggest gripe is the built in Fender reverb effects!!!! The
simulation of the outboard reverb is really lacking, IMO. I actually
bought a 62 RI reverb tank to get the surf sound - it works great
(although I have done some of the tube replacement mods, and am going
to change the cap)!!! The Cybertwin just doesn't have the dripping
wet reverb - a bit disappointing, considering the source. Aside from
that, it's been a great amp. Would I buy it again? Yup.
There have been some QC issues with the Cybertwin, too - a few
software glitches, and the infamous tube rattle (it has 2 12AX7's in
the pre-amp section) problem. Growing pains typical of any "new"
product, really.
If anyone decides to check one out at a store, be sure to play around
with the settings. You can check out some good pre-sets created by
users at Print a few of those, and dial them in
at the store - they make a *HUGE* difference in the sound from
the "stock" pre-sets.
I'd be happy to go into more detail on any Cybertwin question that
the group may have - let me know.
--- In SurfGuitar101@y..., "Brian Neal" <bneal@z...> wrote:
> (snip)>
> Thanks Dick and welcome! How do you like your Cyber-Twin? I haven't
> tried one yet. Is it worth the hype?
