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The Pyramids

Brian Neal (xarxas) - 25 Mar 2002 18:02:00

I dig Penetration, of course, but my 2nd favorite tune by the Pyramids would
have to be "Road Runnah". That one is a lot of fun. And I agree with you,
their version of "Midnight Run" has a nice rocking rough & tumble feel to it
compared to the Super Stocks pristine sounding version.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kahuna Kawentzmann [mailto:]
> Sent: Monday, March 25, 2002 4:55 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [SurfGuitar101] Digest Number 108
> Guitar tabulature: Midnight Run by
> > the Super Stocks
> I uswed to think the original was by The Pyramids. And
> it hasnt got that routine studio feel that the
> players int The Super Stocks produced. The Pyramids
> didnt have too many killers, but this one is ALL TIME!


IVAN PONGRACIC (ipongrac) - 25 Mar 2002 18:22:37

On Mon, 25 Mar 2002, Brian Neal wrote:
> I dig Penetration, of course, but my 2nd favorite tune by the Pyramids would
> have to be "Road Runnah". That one is a lot of fun.
Sorry, Brian - that one was NOT by the Pyramids, but rather by a band
called the Road Runners! The record company just threw it on the album
cause they were a track short or something....


xarxas - 26 Mar 2002 07:35:09

--- In SurfGuitar101@y..., IVAN PONGRACIC <ipongrac@g...> wrote:
> On Mon, 25 Mar 2002, Brian Neal wrote:
> > I dig Penetration, of course, but my 2nd favorite tune by the
Pyramids would
> > have to be "Road Runnah". That one is a lot of fun.
> Sorry, Brian - that one was NOT by the Pyramids, but rather by a
> called the Road Runners! The record company just threw it on the
> cause they were a track short or something....
> Ivan
Ivan, are you saying it was actually performed by The Road Runners?!
I knew it was a cover at least...?
It is surprising to me how all over the map the Pyramids were. A very
few surf-ish tunes, but lots of pseudo-R&B Frat rock vocal tunes...


IVAN PONGRACIC (ipongrac) - 26 Mar 2002 08:08:21

On Tue, 26 Mar 2002, xarxas wrote:
> Ivan, are you saying it was actually performed by The Road Runners?!
> I knew it was a cover at least...?
Quoting John Blair from The Illustrated Discography of Surf Music:
"The tracks Road Runnah and Out of Limits were not recorded by the
Pyramids. The former was the same track issued on the Felsted label by
the Road Runners and the latter was actually an alternate take by the


viktor423 - 26 Mar 2002 08:33:22

It' not relly too surprising when you think that surf music was a
very brief trend, 3 years tops. Most surf bands were playing vocal
R&B before they ever even heard of surf music; Al Casey didn't even
know what surf music was when he recorded 'Surfin Hootnany'. The
Astronauts as well had no clue about surf when their record company
'sugessted' they record some surf tunes. In fact The Chantays
Pipeline was originally meant to be a cowboy song! And as for the
landlocked Trashmen... This is all perfectly evidenced by the
Ventures constant musical shifts, ie; The Twist album, In Space,
Mashed Potatos, etc... This 'flavor of the month' way of making music
is still very prevalent today. The Cool thing is that Surf took on a
life of it's own and far outlasted it's original 'trendy'
> > Sorry, Brian - that one was NOT by the Pyramids, but rather by >
It is surprising to me how all over the map the Pyramids were. A very
> few surf-ish tunes, but lots of pseudo-R&B Frat rock vocal tunes...


xarxas - 26 Mar 2002 09:55:09

--- In SurfGuitar101@y..., IVAN PONGRACIC <ipongrac@g...> wrote:
> On Tue, 26 Mar 2002, xarxas wrote:
> > Ivan, are you saying it was actually performed by The Road
> > I knew it was a cover at least...?
> Quoting John Blair from The Illustrated Discography of Surf Music:
> "The tracks Road Runnah and Out of Limits were not recorded by the
> Pyramids. The former was the same track issued on the Felsted
label by
> the Road Runners and the latter was actually an alternate take by
> Marketts."
> Ivan
Thats a pretty sneaky trick. How much you wanna bet the Road Runners
were compensated for their effort....? I wonder if the Pyramids even
knew about that until the album came out?


Brian Neal (xarxas) - 26 Mar 2002 20:43:37

> > Ivan, are you saying it was actually performed by The Road Runners?!
> > I knew it was a cover at least...?
> Quoting John Blair from The Illustrated Discography of Surf Music:
> "The tracks Road Runnah and Out of Limits were not recorded by the
> Pyramids. The former was the same track issued on the Felsted label by
> the Road Runners and the latter was actually an alternate take by the
> Marketts."
> Ivan
As another data point, I pulled out Bob Dalley's _Surfin' Guitars_ book. It
says the same thing. I am paraphrasing here: the Pyramids were rushed into
the studio to record an album after Penetration hit the charts. They
recorded the album in 3 hours! And unbeknownst to the group, their producers
slipped those two songs onto the album.
Does anyone know anything about "The Road Runners"? Thats a great tune.
I need to get Jon Blair's book! Thanks for pointing that out Ivan.
