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RIP Bomboras, Ghastly Ones, Satan's Pilgrims

Brian Neal (xarxas) - 21 Mar 2002 18:52:06

Did anyone on this list ever catch The Bomboras, The Ghastly Ones, and/or
Satan's Pilgrims live? How about you Jeff (bigtikidude who I am envious of).


m guerrero (guitarfinkout) - 21 Mar 2002 19:14:05

We (the Sir Finks) had the pleasure of playing with
Satan's Pilgrims several times and once with the
--- Brian Neal <> wrote:
Did anyone on this list ever catch The Bomboras, The
Ghastly Ones, and/or<BR>
Satan's Pilgrims live? How about you Jeff (bigtikidude
who I am envious of).<BR>
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bigtikidude - 22 Mar 2002 08:30:33

- I saw the Ghastly ones about 6 or 7 times, first time at the surf
museum, and they were wearing Black peged Levi's and Horizontal black
and white striped t-shirts, instead of their usuall Undertaker tux's.
Saw the Bomboras a few time, toward the end of their carrer,when they
started to get real garagey sounding,(weird 2 guitars,all I coud hear
was Organ,bass,drums). Satan's Pilgrims(oh Man!! what a band). I'm
kicking myself for not getting into surf earlier,because of all the
show I hear I missed before 97. But I did see them at the Surf Museum
and latter that night at a club. When they did Baja with 3 guitars,
I melted. It was perfect day, good mix of their songs and covers,
unbeatable band. And then about a year after that, A really great
show. Was Satan's Pilgrims, Bomboras, and local guys The Dynotones.
Man the only way that show could have been better, is if the
Ghastly's had played instead of the Bomboras. And to top it off.
I saw the Ghastly's towards the end, at the Museum with Greg(lord)
Hunt, on guitar also. They did all 60's cover except for 1 ghastly
song. I think someone has that on tape.
Wow,some cool shit, needless to say, I'm tired now from typing
-- In SurfGuitar101@y..., "Brian Neal" <bneal@z...> wrote:
> Did anyone on this list ever catch The Bomboras, The Ghastly Ones,
> Satan's Pilgrims live? How about you Jeff (bigtikidude who I am
envious of).
> BN


Damon (dei77) - 22 Mar 2002 11:51:06

I saw Satan's Pilgrims at the Huntington Beach Library in '95. They played
with a bunch of punk bands and blew them all away (in my humble opinion).
Louder than hell!!! Very cool band. I had no idea they broke up. They did
break up right (that's why we're discussing these bands?)? I saw them a couple
years later at a party in Berkeley and they were still kicking ass. I have a
T-Shirt from the first show and I got to meet the guys. Very nice people and
they don't mind talking to the fans. The bomboras I have seen and I was very
unimpressed, perhaps it was because they were just starting out (I don't know
when they formed- but this was a while back and they were the third band down on
the bill, Los Angeles '95-6 at the Jabberjaw). I liked their record (the one
with the easter island heads) but they were definitely a disappoinment live.
They played with a band called the Tiki Men that was much, much better. Does
anyone have any Tiki Men info? They may have just been local, but I did buy
their record and haven't been able to find a follow-up or anything.
Brian Neal <> wrote: Did anyone on this list ever catch The
Bomboras, The Ghastly Ones, and/or
Satan's Pilgrims live? How about you Jeff (bigtikidude who I am envious of).
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bigtikidude - 22 Mar 2002 19:24:51

-Kinda funny,
they were supposed to play at the surf museum that day, but they
couldn't find it. So they found the other thing going on, and played
that instead. But they found the Surf musem the second time(thank-
Yeah, didn't really care much for Bomboras either.
-- In SurfGuitar101@y..., Damon <dei77@y...> wrote:
> I saw Satan's Pilgrims at the Huntington Beach Library in '95.
They played with a bunch of punk bands and blew them all away (in my
humble opinion). Louder than hell!!! Very cool band. I had no idea
they broke up. They did break up right (that's why we're discussing
these bands?)? I saw them a couple years later at a party in
Berkeley and they were still kicking ass. I have a T-Shirt from the
first show and I got to meet the guys. Very nice people and they
don't mind talking to the fans. The bomboras I have seen and I was
very unimpressed, perhaps it was because they were just starting out
(I don't know when they formed- but this was a while back and they
were the third band down on the bill, Los Angeles '95-6 at the
Jabberjaw). I liked their record (the one with the easter island
heads) but they were definitely a disappoinment live. They played
with a band called the Tiki Men that was much, much better. Does
anyone have any Tiki Men info? They may have just been local, but I
did buy their record and haven't been able to find a follow-up or
> Damon
> Brian Neal <bneal@z...> wrote: Did anyone on this list ever catch
The Bomboras, The Ghastly Ones, and/or
> Satan's Pilgrims live? How about you Jeff (bigtikidude who I am
envious of).
> BN
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