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Sinister Surf from The Shadows of Gotham

gollygeerecords - 11 Mar 2002 22:34:04

The new CD from Hoboken's finest Surf/Spy-Fi Trio, The Retroliners,
is now available at Golly Gee Records.
The Retroliners are a surf-style instrumental combo whose eclectic
blend of vintage guitar tones and modern sonics produces a unique
interpretation of dark, angular spy music spiked with pop, punk,
twist and twang. Subway Surfing, their second album, captures the
sinister and seductive contours of urban struggle, conveyed in
alluring melodies that never stray far from the classic surf idiom.
With intriguing nuances, the Retroliners pay earnest tribute to such
notable influences as The Ventures, the Shadowy Men on a Shadowy
Planet, and Los Straitjackets. Demonstrating the enduring appeal of a
genre born more than forty years ago, the Retroliners issue forceful
testimony to the dynamic world of instrumental rock music.
Mike Beckerman: Bassist, avoids direct sunlight and flash
photography. Determined to master telekinesis, he is easily agitated,
frequently caffeinated, and secretly wishes he played in Nirvana.
Dave Schreck: Drummer, merges modern drumming techniques with the
ancient art of Origami to create a blend that can only be described
as: tubular. Living mediocrity to its extreme, Dave is the human
embodiment of all that is circadian.
Michael Welch: Guitarist, dwells in a state of poetic misery, often
battling manic fugues and fits of rage. His ex-wives remember him as
being moody, menacing . . . and magnificent.
