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Re: [SurfGuitar101] New Pedals

Dana and Roberta Vincent (dana_l_vincent) - 11 Mar 2002 16:22:28

Damon, please tell us a bit more about the Pharaoh and DevilSurf pedals; how
you use them in the signal chain, characteristics and quirks, physical size
and controls, where to buy, etc. These are both new to me, anyway.
Best regards, Dana Vincent
----- Original Message -----
From: Damon
Sent: Monday, March 11, 2002 11:21 AM
Subject: Re: [SurfGuitar101] feedback and the rat
Now that I have 2 handmade pharaoh pedals class A boost ($69 mail order) and
a custom made "DevilSurf" pedal ($139 - custom paint and extra toggles), I
never use the rat (handmade is different than boutique - My pedals look very
road warrior - IE beat to shit, built-by-hand, customized, various sizes and
shapes - none over 150 bucks).
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Damon (dei77) - 12 Mar 2002 14:11:42

So far I've only ordered two pedals from Pharaoh and they are both great. They
work well because they preserve the tone of your guitar and amp. My
jazzmaster/bassman still sound like they do when they're clean just bigger and
slightly more overdriven with "The DevilSurf." This was a custom pedal that
Matthew Farrow built for me. Its got 2 footswitches, one for the gain channel
and one for the effects loop, and they're set close together so I can switch 'em
both or independently. I had him put three knobs on it Volume, Gain, Contour,
but had him add a toggle switch for optional gain bi-pass. All this with a
custom paintjob for $139 including delivery. The basic "Class A Boost" I
ordered was 69 plus delivery and it just has one knob for volume. Lots of
options available. I like the effects loop with true bipass, because I can cut
out all those noises from my phasers, flangers, tremolos that tend to make sound
even when they're off. Pharaoh gear can't be beat!!!
Here is the website
Dana and Roberta Vincent <> wrote:
Damon, please tell us a bit more about the Pharaoh and DevilSurf pedals; how
you use them in the signal chain, characteristics and quirks, physical size
and controls, where to buy, etc. These are both new to me, anyway.
Best regards, Dana Vincent
----- Original Message -----
From: Damon
Sent: Monday, March 11, 2002 11:21 AM
Subject: Re: [SurfGuitar101] feedback and the rat
Now that I have 2 handmade pharaoh pedals class A boost ($69 mail order) and
a custom made "DevilSurf" pedal ($139 - custom paint and extra toggles), I
never use the rat (handmade is different than boutique - My pedals look very
road warrior - IE beat to shit, built-by-hand, customized, various sizes and
shapes - none over 150 bucks).
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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