The latest issue (#23) of Ugly Things (60s garage fanmag from Mike
Stax) features a great and totally interesting (to dorks like
me)history of the bands and people that could all somehow retrace
their roots back to an Inland Empire (Riverside/San Bernardino)
mid-60s band called the Misunderstood. It's one of those family tree
things that includes the likes of the young Mr. Wronski and Sammy
Hagar. Dave's interview start with him as a young fan and then
eventually playing lead guitar with one of the ex-Misunderstood in a
band called Cock Robin (yes!!!!!) in the mid-late 70s. The pics are
awesome, as is Mr. Wronski's commentary. Great reading for the can
and mandatory for any of you youngsters who wonder how he got so good.
You don't just appear out of the blue one day, you work your ass off.
Here's a link to Ugly Things
Ted Pilgrim