Hey folks, sorry for all the dumb Jazzmaster questions, but I think I'm
nearing the end.
I would like to get a decent case for airline travel and can't seem to see
anything that specifically states that it'll fit a JM. I'm sure lots of you
folk fly with your JM's -- what cases do you find good for the gorillas who
load the bags.
Played out with the JM this Sunday and I think I figured out why Fender
went to a non-traditional pickup design. I've heard many say that JM's
can't handle distortion. The reissue pickups with the deep narrow coils are
quite nice overdriven. Don't ask me about it. This was my last gig with
this particular band, so I'm going to look for musicians with a more vintage
Anyway, any input on a good case would be greatly appreciated.
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