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guitar speaker

urbansurfkings - 29 Nov 2001 08:59:21

Can anyone recommend a good replacement 15" speaker for a guitar amp?
Most of the ones I've seen are either for bass, or PA (too many
Mike/Urban Surf Kings


newfy surfer (newfysurf) - 29 Nov 2001 11:30:02

<br><br><br>Shawn Ambrose
Mike- I was recently in the market for 2 15"s and even though I was looking
for bass speakers, my search was so thorough that no stone was left
unturned. I ended up with JBL D140's and they sound way better than the
stock Fenders that were in my Bassman cabinet. D130 is the speaker that was
put in the old showman cab, a great clean speaker that can be found on EBAY
for about 100$. Fender also used the Jensen P15N which breaks up more if
needed ( also to be found on EBAY for about 100$). Another option is the
WEBER speaker co. they make exellent copys of both speakers for very
reasonal prices. In our band(the deoras) Mike uses DI30'S and Rick has both.
By the way Rick said he was very happy wiyh both the speaker and the service
from Weber- hope I have been of some help to a fellow Cannuck!
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bighollowtwang - 29 Nov 2001 11:46:03

JBL's K-130s are essentially the same speaker as the earlier D-130
and can be had for significantly less than the D-series.
Eminence makes a 100 watt 15" speaker if you want something newer or
you're on a budget. The new Eminence stuff is surprisingly good.
