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Stories with tag: "volny-sovetov"

'Volny Sovetov' - New Video!

Sovietwave surf act 'Volny Sovetov' is paying a tribute to the great Russian psychedelic punk Yegor Letov and his band 'Grazhdanskaya Oborona' covering a song 'Nas Mnogo' ('We are the Multitudes'). The footage was taken during a road trip through Kyrgyzstan, a former soviet republic. 'Nas Mnogo' is a second single from the forthcoming album 'Reverb Science', so stay tuned and enjoy the video!


Volny Sovetov' latest single 'Planeta Bur' is out now

Sci-fi surf with a soviet flavour. Volny Sovetov, a retrofuturistic sovietwave act, comes up with the latest single 'Planeta Bur' named after one of the greatest space era movies. Watch the video, or click the link to listen on Spotify, Bandcamp and more.


Video by Volny Sovetov, a sovietwave surf band

Filmed in Moynaq, once a seaport on the Aral Sea. The original tune is by Alyans, a soviet synthpop band.

Click the Link to watch the video.
