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Insect Surfers 2013
Insect Surfers 2013

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Insect Surfer music on TV!!

Our music publisher gal, who we've been working with for about 7 years, has FINALLY been able to place a tune of ours on TV!!

This Sun Feb 5th, our song "77 Gaza Strip" will be featured at some point on the Showtime channel show 'Californication'. I don't even know what scene, and hopefully it's not something obscenely embarrassing!! (I've never seen the show) but, hey, WE'RE ON TV !!!

This story has 4 comments.


Congrats! I've seen that show. Rick Springfield was pretending to bang a groupie with one of his buddies.

WhorehayRFB | 30-Jan-2012 18:55:26 | Flag

Congrats to the Insect Surfers

bigtikidude | 31-Jan-2012 10:58:37 | Flag

That's a BIG deal! Congrats!

Aloha_Screwdriver | 31-Jan-2012 22:12:36 | Flag

Good work Davy!

BillyBlastOff | 03-Feb-2012 16:50:24 | Flag

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