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Permalink La Jolla Surf Event Feb. 7

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Fellow Members of Surf Guitar 101,

Par Avion is beyond honored to be performing at the opening reception for La Jolla Surf: Culture, Art, Craft on Friday February 7th 5-7 PM AND we invite you!

I learned to surf in the waves of La Jolla (riding a Bessell board) and drummer Declan Steele Halloran also caught his first waves on (and still surfs) the beaches and reefs of La Jolla. This is really close to home, so to speak. Bonus: A limited run of 100 signed commemorative posters by John Van Hammersveld (Endless Summer poster artist) will be available (image at lower right of graphic below). Even if you cannot make the opening reception event, I strongly encourage all to check this exhibition out! Runs February 8 - May 25, 2025


About the exhibition:

La Jolla Surf: Culture, Art, Craft will introduce audiences to some of the artists, surfers and surfboard builders that have lived in or passed through La Jolla during their lives. By way of a short film created specifically for this exhibition, visitors will meet a few of the ocean lovers, oddballs, outcasts, poets and geniuses that focused their lives on a small patch of ocean near where they decided to live in order to keep surfing. The interviews in the film will reveal experiences, circumstances and decisions that resulted in a lifetime spent in the ocean mastering, appreciating and falling in love with an activity that’s been called a sport, a lifestyle and a religion.

La Jolla Surf also invites viewers into the world of surfing through iconic photography by Roy Porello, Jeff Divine, and Ron Church, original artwork by award winning designer John van Hamersveld, and surf boards from the greatest shapers in the region. Through the extensive, original interview footage with local surfers created by Curator John Durant, visitors will hear firsthand accounts of how the surfing community developed, how it has evolved over time, and the powerful connection to, and appreciation of the ocean and nature that surfing engenders.

About the curator: John Durant has been a professional photographer based in Southern California since 1978. A graduate of UC San Diego, John is a life-long surfer and has worked as a photographer for Rusty Surfboards, Gordon & Smith Surfboards, Bing, Larry Mabile and Dennis Murphy. John has written about surfing and some of the more interesting characters that have populated surf culture for The Surfer's Journal, The LA Times, and San Diego Magazine.

Funding for this exhibition generously provided by Richard VandeNoord, Matt and Nancy Browar, Suzanne Conlon, Abby and Ray Weiss, and Seonaid and Barry Bielinski. Additional support provided by the City of San Diego Commission for Arts and Culture and Members of the La Jolla Historical Society.

A massive thank you from Par Avion to John Durant and the La Jolla Historical Society

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Two thumbs way up from the Royal Aces in Denver...

fenderfan wrote:

Two thumbs way up from the Royal Aces in Denver...


For all in the region - although the RSVPs have "sold out", curator John Durant encourages people to show anyway (after 6pm) suggesting that it should not be a problem.
- B.

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