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Permalink 15” speaker help

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Im looking for a 15” speaker to put in a 1x15 showman style cab
What ive seen
Celestian 15 full back
Eminance 15 1518
Weber neo 15
Weber california 15

Hard to go wrong with a Weber.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

Hi, wannabe Dick Dale tribute artist here. There is only one fifteen inch speaker if you are going for “the tone.” Seriously, check out my website for photos and sound clips. It’s an Eminence/Quilter 4 Ohm “15 300 watt speaker. You buy it from quilter’s website. Nothing else comes close to the tone, frequency range, sensitivity, and db level IMO. Hands down the best “15 speaker out there. Make sure to get the Weber Ohm converter if your amp is 8 Ohms (I blew a speaker). Good luck. - A tribute to Dick Dale. New Singles "Finish Line" and "Paradiso" on Bandcamp and website.

For the daredevils amongst us..
You might try an electro voice 15l or b and never look back —

For the daring... and lusty!

A JBL K130 would fit the prototypical surf sound most authentically, if we're using Dick Dale as the prototype. The D130 is of course the exact model but the K130 had a much higher power rating and sounds pretty much the same.

Weber Neo, Weber California Alnico or the Eminence/Quliter speaker are all good choices. JBL D130F if you want the most authentic vintage tone.

I've used a Weber California for 10 years, and have loved it the whole time.

I've personally used 60s and 70s JBL D130s, also Jensen P15N and C15N, and the Quilter Steelaire. At this moment those vintage speakers are around the same price or cheaper than a Quilter. I don't think the tone will be sacrificed in any way with the Quilter. If your amp wants 4 ohms, get a Quilter, if it wants 8, get a vintage! I've not heard Weber California 15s but I have heard the 12s and they were extremely close to 60s D120s, just a little more brittle.

Daniel Deathtide

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