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The next time he is accepting orders, I think I might pick up a spare.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

Last edited: Oct 17, 2024 10:31:53

Give him some time. Normally he will get to you after a week or so. But he seems to be very busy keeping up with the orders.
I want a VI Bridge for an upcoming Baritone build.

The new Am Pro/Johnny Marr Bridge is very close (Johnny originally had a Staytrem on his- but of course they couldn‘t produce at such a large scale as Fender‘s demand…
The main difference are the springs/intonation screws and the saddle material (steel on the Staytrem and chrome plated brass on the Am Pro)- if you‘re not a heavy sweater it should be fine. I bought an used Am Pro (the old version without the rubber on the feet, but with additional anti-rock plastic sleeves) and the plating was clearly affected.

IceratzSurf wrote:

I have sent an email to Staytrem more than a few days ago and asking specifically when they will resume taking orders; '1 month. 6 months or a year?'
No reply.

I am willing to try a Staytrem bridge. But it's really not all that different than the AM Pro. The saddles look the same, but the intonation screw adjustment is more robust, along with no springs.

TENTACULA: Garage-Psych-Heavy-Surf-Rock
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MayTheFuzzBeWithYou wrote:

Give him some time. Normally he will get to you after a week or so. But he seems to be very busy keeping up with the orders.
I want a VI Bridge for an upcoming Baritone build.

The new Am Pro/Johnny Marr Bridge is very close (Johnny originally had a Staytrem on his- but of course they couldn‘t produce at such a large scale as Fender‘s demand…
The main difference are the springs/intonation screws and the saddle material (steel on the Staytrem and chrome plated brass on the Am Pro)- if you‘re not a heavy sweater it should be fine. I bought an used Am Pro (the old version without the rubber on the feet, but with additional anti-rock plastic sleeves) and the plating was clearly affected.

IceratzSurf wrote:

I have sent an email to Staytrem more than a few days ago and asking specifically when they will resume taking orders; '1 month. 6 months or a year?'
No reply.

I am willing to try a Staytrem bridge. But it's really not all that different than the AM Pro. The saddles look the same, but the intonation screw adjustment is more robust, along with no springs.

IMO, the StayTrem is a sweet spot between quality, function and value. I’m not say it’s the “best”, because there are plenty of fine fish swimming in the Jaguar Bridge Sea, but it’s a very good product, and the price is reasonable. I have one on my VI, and it’s the best solution I’ve ever found for a VI.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

Is there a budget bridge that does not sink in the guitar. Sinking bridge is the problem with my Squier Jaguar...

bertrandbrebis wrote:

Is there a budget bridge that does not sink in the guitar. Sinking bridge is the problem with my Squier Jaguar...

It depends upon how one defines budget. The StayTrem, IMHO, is the best value proposition, but it’s in the $100 (US) price range. The OEM Squier CV Jaguar bridge has treated me well, but if it’s sinking, a drop of Blue LocTite on the height adjustment screws should make things much better. Whatever you do, do NOT use Red LocTite. That stuff is permanent, and then some.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

Last edited: Nov 07, 2024 13:53:29

I had put Loctite 242 Medium Strength to stop the sinking, but now I need to raise the bridge slightly but I'm stuck... Cry

bertrandbrebis wrote:

I had put Loctite 242 Medium Strength to stop the sinking, but now I need to raise the bridge slightly but I'm stuck... Cry

Try heating it slightly, such as a heat gun, or even holding it above a candle. I’m surprised that 242 did that to you, but anything is possible.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

You can heat that set screw with a small soldering iron tip while its still in the guitar. Use very little thread lock...almost none.

I put just a smidge on the under side of the height adjustment screw threads and back it up into place.

It just takes a smidge.

And while I'm on the soap box, groove your stock bridge saddles with a small rat-tail file.

I believe in the KISS principal.

Happy tweaking,


Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

Last edited: Nov 08, 2024 11:46:20

Thank you synchro and eddiekarcher, it worked Smile

eddiekatcher wrote:

You can heat that set screw with a small soldering iron tip while its still in the guitar. Use very little thread lock...almost none.

I put just a smidge on the under side of the height adjustment screw threads and back it up into place.

It just takes a smidge.

And while I'm on the soap box, groove your stock bridge saddles with a small rat-tail file.

I believe in the KISS principal.

Happy tweaking,


You make a vital point. With LocTite, a drop is way too much. Almost none is perfect.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

Thanks, happy to be able to help out.


Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

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