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Permalink Surf bands out of Oklahoma/Texas wanna help with a show?

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Hello, im trying to put a list together of surf bands out of the Texas/Oklahoma area i can contact for future shows

if anyone knows of any let me know

The Go-Go Rillas are in the Dallas-Fort Worth area as far as I know. You can PM Bango from the group here on the SG101 site, or email him at


I almost forgot, there is King Pelican down in San Antonio, and some others around the Austin area.


Why doesn't anyone ever do this for the Memphis area, very frustrating. I have honestly thought about starting my own festival for surf/punk/garage rock, but I wouldn't know where to begin. - A tribute to Dick Dale. New Singles "Finish Line" and "Paradiso" on Bandcamp and website.

Im wanting to put a 3 band local surf show together in OKC. Trying to find bands that would want to play

Don't forget guys, we also have the "Surf Band Map" right here on SG101 that will show you surf bands that are, or have been active all over the world.


Gellart is in north Texas


bigtikidude wrote:

Gellart is in north Texas

Now i do know a 60s stoner rock band out of OKC called “FireBad” those guys are cool as heck

Padraig wrote:

The Go-Go Rillas are in the Dallas-Fort Worth area as far as I know. You can PM Bango from the group here on the SG101 site, or email him at

i wonder if theyd be willing to do a show in OKC

The Nematodes and Three Balls of Fire are from Austin. Not sure if that’s the area you are looking at, but both are great bands.

Canadian Surf

Last edited: Apr 04, 2024 08:30:15

revmike wrote:

The Nematodes and Three Balls of Fire are from Austin. Not sure if that’s the area you are looking at, but both are great bands.

Trying to book the OKC area
Or at least get a band that wouldnt mind traveling to okc without it costing an arm and a leg lol

SHADOWNIGHT5150 wrote:

Padraig wrote:

The Go-Go Rillas are in the Dallas-Fort Worth area as far as I know. You can PM Bango from the group here on the SG101 site, or email him at

i wonder if theyd be willing to do a show in OKC

Ya never know, apes get out of DFW occasionally! Without exposing our booking e-mail on open internet for spamming purposes, you can PM me or visit here.

Bango Rilla!

DiPintos, Fenders and Reverb (oh, my!)

The GO-GO Rillas
Bandcamp | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube | TikTok | Threads: thegogorillas | Spotify

SixStringSurfer wrote:

Why doesn't anyone ever do this for the Memphis area, very frustrating. I have honestly thought about starting my own festival for surf/punk/garage rock, but I wouldn't know where to begin.

Go for it!
Start here on the SG101 forums (& Facebook) to find bands, a venue, people to help, people with experience, etc.

Purchasae Colorado Instrumental Fanzine Issue 3
Colorado Instrumental Fanzine Digital
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Padraig wrote:

[snip] and some others around the Austin area.

The Del-Vipers are in Austin.

Project: MAYHEM by Hypersonic Secret now available!

SHADOWNIGHT5150 wrote:

Trying to book the OKC area
Or at least get a band that wouldn't mind traveling to OKC without it costing an arm and a leg lol

If Tulsa is an option, try The Venue Shrine. It has a 200-person capacity.

Purchasae Colorado Instrumental Fanzine Issue 3
Colorado Instrumental Fanzine Digital
Colorado Instrumental Fanzine Instagram
Colorado Instrumental Fanzine Facebook

stepintolife wrote:

SHADOWNIGHT5150 wrote:

Trying to book the OKC area
Or at least get a band that wouldn't mind traveling to OKC without it costing an arm and a leg lol

If Tulsa is an option, try The Venue Shrine. It has a 200-person capacity.

I wouldnt mind tulsa but they would need to fork over a bit more money to travel that far
Okc is easy since its 45 minutes away from me and $40 can cover most gas tulsa i wouldnt do under $100–150 each band

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